Relative Dimensions

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          One chilly fall evening, Dr. Temperance Brennan was finishing up some paper work in her office. She had just finished another case with her team, another gruesome murder that had involved the sacrifice of a human life. She knew that the killer thought that he could cover up and hide away the body, and he thought no one would investigate the crime, and especially that no one could identify the murderer. But she could. Dr. Temperance Brennan, the best in the business of death. It was satisfying to catch these killers, but sometimes she got too close to death, and she could feel its heavy burden.

As she finished off her report, she scribbled in her signature on the bottom and closed the binder of paper work. She gathered her coat and shoulder bag, and headed for home. She walked through the checkpoint right outside the exit and scanned her ID card. She was greeted by the security guard on duty.

''Good night Dr. Brennan''.

She replied with a similar ''Good night.''

She stepped out of the Jeffersonian when something different caught her eye. On the sidewalk by a tree was a blue 1960's British police telephone box. What was that doing there? She distinctly remembered that that spot on the sidewalk was always empty, only shadowed by the tree. But somehow this box appeared. She immediately walked over to this mysterious box, and analyzed its exterior. She knocked on it, and the knock sounded like wood, but at the same time it didn't. Otherwise, it had all the features of a British police box, but she had a strange feeling, and she really, REALLY hated feelings - feelings were not logical or based on empirical evidence - but in this case she was overwhelmed by the feeling that this wasn't what it appeared to be. Dr. Brennan then decided to try the door handle, though it wasn't a thought she thought rationally in her mind but rather an impulse to see what would happen if she pulled the handle. The door creaked open, and she carefully pushed the door forward and then stood still in amazement. There were so many things wrong with this scene that she couldn't explain it away even if she had all the time in the world. There were lights everywhere, huge walls and tall....pillars reaching toward the ceiling in curved, organic shapes. The whole space seemed energized and alive, though it was probably just the heating, thought Brennan. And in the center of it all was a huge control center type construction covered in all sorts of junk and leftover parts, but somehow it had functioned as a device and had various lights and beeping sounds coming from it. To the right of this control center was a tall man, 6 foot tall but he looked taller because of how incredibly thin he was. He was dressed in a brown suit and white/yellow sneakers that appeared to be very old and worn. He seemed like a regular everyday person to Brennan, but in a way she knew he wasn't.

''Oh hullo! Dr. Temperance Brennan, I presume? How lovely it is to meet you! You have a first class mind, you're brilliant, you are!", the man shouted with joy.

''Uh, yes, thank you. I already knew that, of course.''

''Not a modest one are you?'' he mumbled to himself. ''Well anywho, how do you like my TARDIS?''

''....TARDIS?'' Dr. Brennan asked with confusion.

''Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. My... space ship if you will. And it can travel in time.''

''That makes no sense whatsoever, no one can travel in time, and how is it possible that you have a ship that looks like a police telephone box but is actually larger on the inside?'' Brennan demanded.

''Well, what do you think?''

Brennan thought for a minute and said, ''Obviously, this room must exist in a different dimension than the exterior, making it appear larger on the inside. How you came across a ship like this, especially one that can travel in time.. that I don't know.''

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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