i (chase) was bored and the subject changed to cats

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Thomas: and?

chase: .........bbbbooooooorrrrrreeeeeeeedddd

Thomas: Call Brittany or something

chase: um...cant

Thomas: why?

chase: Shes hanging with her mama today

Thomas: oh, then call Victoria

chase: cant

Thomas: *rolls eyes* why?

chase: Shes giving me the silent treatment, she wont take my calls and wont reply to my text

Thomas: what did you do?

chase: Oh! You just assume its my fault? *smirks* i see dont want to blame it on your girlfriend 😜😘 (I wish! Sadly thomas and vic are still not dating)

Thomas: what'd you do?

chase: ouch. Well i may or may not have accidentally, not on purpos, kicked her cat

Thomas: What!?

chase: like a football

Thomas: Why?

chase: The cat wasnt listing and tried to use my leg as a scratching post

Thomas: so...why is she ignoring you then, if its the cats fault

chase: thw cat passed out for like....well like a few minutes, i took it to the vet it was fine

Thomas: .......you almost murdered her cat Chase.

chase: ;-; i apologized

Thomas: you are evil

chase: I didnt mean too!

Thomas: ......so wrong

chase: Its not like it actually died!

Thomas: rude.

chase: The cat is a deman! And tried to scratch me!

Thomas: R.I.P cats

chase: I didnt kill it!

Thomas: poor kitty

chase: .....okay who are you and what have you done with thomas

Thomas: he died along with the cat.

Chase: Thats it! GOOD BYE!

Thomas: going to kill somemore cats?

chase: I DIDNT KILL THE CAT! I swear!

Thomas: if you exuse me im going to go hide Lee (Chase: My cat.)


chase: .....he actually took my cat

chase: and brought him to his room...what the heck...i need to go take my cat back...bye readers!

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