Why are we doing this?

18 5 1

chase: I'm bored and have a sore throat

Thomas: Why are we typing on the Wattpad thing? ......again, I thought it was only for those two times

chase: No its not, we are going to do this as our wattpad story....and I told you I have a sore throat

Thomas: *Rolls eyes* Are you kidding me?

chase: No I'm not lying I really have a sore throat

Thomas: That's not what I mean stupid, I meant are we really going to do this for a Wattpad story

chase: do you have any other suggestions?

Thomas: No.

chase: than yea

Thomas: *Facepalm*

chase: what eles are we gonna do

Thomas: Use our voices to talk to each other.


Thomas: I meant, never mind.

chase: my throat hurts so bad

Thomas: Drink some milk.

chase: that won't help

Thomas: It might.

chase: .....no

Thomas: I normally drink milk when I have a sore throat it eases the pain because it's cold and....milky?

chase: hmm

Thomas: He got up,

Thomas: He's so slow and taking forever,

Thomas: He grabbed the milk from the fridge,

Thomas: and a glass from the cabinet,

Thomas: he pored the milk into the glass,

Thomas: he put the milk up and is walking back over...

chase: really? you had to narrate me?

Thomas: you took so long I had to do something

chase: Hey how come you where mad last time we wrote on Wattpad? After we stopped talking on Wattpad you left.

Thomas: I honestly wasn't I was just annoyed.

chase: what?

Thomas: I was annoyed by you, last time, I said no and you still wanted me to write on wattpad.

chase: Ohhhhhhhhhh

Thoams: Mm-hm

chase: I apologize

Thomas: Your forgiven.

chase: yay, so I drank that milk.....throat still hurts

Thomas: Sorry

chase: eh

Thomas: so this is really gonna be out wattpad story?

chase: If you don't mind yes, I find it really fun

Thomas: Okay but only cause I have nothing better to do

chase: Cool

Thomas: Yeah.

chase: Thomas?

Thomas: What?

chase: I'm bored

Thomas: Ugh

chase: I'm hungry, make something for lunch

Thomas: No.

chase: whhhhhhyyyyyy?

Thomas: I'm not hungry, if your hungry get up and make somthing yourself.

chase: fine but I'm taking the phone with me so you can't narrate my actions

Thomas: Whatever.

chase: Hey

Thomas: We where already talking why'd you say "Hey"?

chase: Duh, because I left and came back

Thomas: ......okay? he is slowly eating the bag of chips

chase: Your joking right?

Thomas: He looks very upset with me

chase: Shut up and stop

Thomas: .....

chase: what?

Thomas: ......

chase: What?

Thomas: .....

chase: Oh my gosh! WHAT!?

Thomas: Nothing at all, it's just you told me to shut up.

chase: I hate you

Thomas: ;)

chase: 😒

Thomas: You couldn't live without me.

chase: I could to, in fact I have

Thomas: Blagh, blagh you'd miss me too much now.

chase: want a bet? 5.00$, we won't hangout for a week see who caves first

Thomas: No because your my only friend, and you have Brittany and Victoria to keep you company

chase: That's different Britt's my girlfriend and Vic's my cousin, but you and Vic are friends so you do have someone to hang out with, you also have Logan, Jay, and Walter

Thomas: I guess, I just don't want to do the bet because we share an apartment and that would be difficult to avoid each other.

chase: I didn't even think of that....

Thomas: I could tell.

chase: hmm, yeah that was a fail

Thomas: Yep.

chase: my throat still hurts

Thomas: Why don't you go take a nap?

chase: I'm not 5

Thoams: Yeah, but it would get you to leave me alone.

chase: rude much

Thomas: And proud of it.

chase: 😑

Thomas: Go to sleep and leave me alone, I'm going to the store.

chase: pick up some milk

chase: Bye reader!

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