"I'll call you when I'm about to ask her." I tell him and I walk out my temporary home, a free man.

Jimmy was really nice, I've got to keep in touch with him. I'll find out his info some other day, today I need to visit a couple people. 

Once outside I look around to see where I am. I notice that I'm roughly 3 blocks from my parent's house. I walk there and when I'm there I knock on the door. My mother answers.

"Just when I thought we were finally rid of you. What'd you do? Bribe yourself out of jail?" Siren asks me.

"What makes you think I was in jail?" I ask her.

"Isn't that where the cops took you?" She asks and then she slaps her forehead.

"You fucking ratted me out! Did Charlotte's mother talk to you? Do you even have any idea what I was locked up for?" I start to seethe.

"Yes, I helped her a bit. I may have lied about your age when she asked me. I figured it's best if you get locked away and rot in jail for what you did to my daughter. She doesn't even look at me anymore." Siren says and I just roll my eyes. This woman isn't worth my anger.

"Just remember I'm the one who makes the decisions when you die now move." I say and she actually looks scared for a second. She moves out of the doorway, letting me inside. I immediately run upstairs to my old bathroom and get myself together. I quickly use the bathroom and shower. I take a towel and wrap it around myself then I head to my room in the hopes that I still have clothes here. Luckily after searching I find some clothes that I never threw away just because I wanted to defy my father. I quickly run down the hall to my parent's room and enter their bathroom. I use my sperm donor's lotion and deodorant. He doesn't use either, it's just here for show. He's a dirty little bastard. As soon as I get my clothes on the door opens.

"Henry! You're out?" I hear a scream and then a body slams into me. Immediately I hug back recognizing it to be Piper. But just as soon as I hug back she's ripped off of me and slapped so hard she falls to the floor.

"What the fuck!" I shout angrily at the bitch I've called Mother. Piper just holds her cheek in shock and tears up.

"Don't touch him! He's a disgrace! He ripped this family apart! He's the reason your father left us!" Siren shouts angrily only she's got tears streaming down her face. Shes not angry, she's in pain and under stress. Usually I'd feel sad but I can't even feel the slightest bit of sympathy for her. She ruins everything she touches and she doesn't accept any responsibility. Someone like that doesn't deserve a glance from anyone else. 

"You're the reason Dad left us! He couldn't take you destroying everything! You tore our family apart and blamed Henry! Dad finally woke up and couldn't take you blaming his son for doing things in this house after Henry left! You wanna talk about a disgrace? Take a look in the fucking mirror!" Piper lashes out and shoves my mother into the dresser behind her. Piper turns to me and cries into my chest. I just hug her and rub her back. 

"Both of you get out of my house right now." Siren mutters.

"Gladly." I say and guide Piper to her room so she can pack.

"Pipes can you pack while I call someone? Where's your phone?" I ask her. She wipes her face and nods.

"Yeah, yeah. It's on the kitchen counter. I left it there once I heard some noise upstairs." Piper says and then goes to her room. I dial my father's phone number.

"Piper? I never thought you'd call. Listen I'm sorry but I'm not coming back to the house." My father says.

"Shut up. It's Henry, I'm taking Piper to live with me. Come take care of your wife. You married her so stick with her until you die, that was the vow , just stay committed." I say to him.

"Oh Henry, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done. If this in any way will bring us closer, I'll do it." My dad says. I smile slightly.

"Thanks." I say and then I hang up.

"Henry, I'm ready!" Piper yells and this time I dial Charlotte's number. She immediately answers.

"Piper? Is everything alright?" Charlotte asks frantically. Oh god, I missed her voice.

"Hey, it's me." I say.

"Henry, oh my gosh. I've missed you. Did anyone hurt you? I'll go fuck up any cop that did you wrong." Charlotte threatens but I chuckle.

"When can I see you? Should I come get you? I'm coming, be there in 3 minutes." Charlotte says and hangs up. It's about a 20 minute drive from this house to ours yet I have no doubt she really will be here in 3 minutes. 

"We'll wait outside. Charlotte's coming. We're going home." I say to Piper as she comes downstairs. She just runs and hugs me again.

"Please don't ever leave again." She whispers. I hug her back.

"I won't Pipes." I whisper back.

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