Golden Petals Part 9

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                                                                                   ~Your POV~

I held onto Temmie like my life depended on it,dog claws scratched my back. 'Get back here human!!' the dog growled,he was so close I could his hot breath on my back.I ran like a bat outta hell,suddenly he grabbed me and the attack started. 'Doggo looks pleased and grins.' it read,the black outfit he wore became even darker.He took out two shorts swords, 'Heh,looks like my job here wasn't a waste of time after all.' Doggo said.I clicked on *ACT and then *CHECK, 'Doggo.10 ATK 6 DF(increased because this is Swapfell).Can only see moving objects,easily excited.' it read.Doggo swiped his sword and the battle began,blue sword attacks started attacking my soul.I tried dodging them but they were too hard,Temmie shouted something but I didn't hear them,I was concentrating.Then my HP went to 0 and my soul shattered,I was back in the black void. 'Y/N,listen to your friends...they want to help.' the boy voice said,and then I woke up in my bed in Snowdin.Temmie had a frustrated expression, 'You aren't supposed to move,blue attacks don't hurt you if you stand still!' Temmie shouted in an exasperated voice.I blushed and nodded,I touched the new flower on my right shoulder. 'They're...starting to... spread.' I whispered,I felt my back and realized it was town open. 'Armour isn't affected by resets,unless it's in your inventory.' Temmie said,she was calmer now.I quickly changed into my shirt,my DF decreased by 3 but there wasn't a draft on my back.I walked out with Temmie at my heels,I glanced at Muffet's while I walked past. 'Will Papyrus still invite me to Muffet's?' I thought,about ten minutes we reached Papyrus's station,mostly because I was walking faster this time.Papyrus was staring at the ceiling of the cavern,and didn't notice me till I stepped on an especially crunchy bit of snow. 'Oh hey sweetheart,didn't notice you there.What's with the new shirt?' Papyrus asked raising an eyebrow, 'None of your concern skinny trashbag,we don't ask you if why you wear that necklace and scarf!' Temmie yapped.

That was a pattern broken, 'Touchy mutt,you sure know how to pick 'em.' Papyrus shrugged.I saw the save-shaped star on the necklace glint in the reflection of the snow, 'You look chilled to the bone,and I'm not even being humerus.' Papyrus said. 'There...aren't any...jackets at the... shop.' I said, 'Then you might as well go to Muffet's,I trust you've been there already?' Papyrus asked. 'No.' I lied, 'Well then,let's change that.' Papyrus shrugged walking out from his station. 'Come on,I won't bite.' Papyrus chuckled when I hesitated to follow him, 'But I do!' Temmie growled. 'Stop' I ordered,I started trudging after Papyrus.

Golden Petals(Swap!Flowerfell Papyrus x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat