Golden Petals Part 7

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                                                                               ~Your POV~

I felt like a piece of rock,I didn't want to move from the warmth of the bed or open my eye. 'Come on Y/N,if we stay here we'll just be farther away from getting out.' Temmie said shaking me,I groaned and sat upright.The cold was dulled from being inside but still bit at exposed parts of skin, 'Oh man,it's going to be freezing outside.' I thought.I stretched and walked down, 'Come again soon,and be sure to check out my sister's shop.' the bunny woman said with her forced smile and fake cheery voice.I walked out, 'How did we miss that?' Temmie asked.On the right of the inn was a shop that was connected, 'Maybe they have something warm to wear.' I thought walking in.Another bunny woman stood there,except she wore a hat and didn't have a smile,fake or real. 'Do you...have any...coats?' I asked, 'Honey we got a lotta things,but a coat ain't one 'a them.(Weird accent I know XD)If someone got a coat they wouldn't give it up, especially in this s*** 'a a town.' the bunny woman said. 'Thank you...anyway.' I said walking out,I closed the door and saw a suspicious look in her eye. 'Did something...wrong?' I asked, 'People don't usually say thank you here,the best manners someone can have is to not punch someone in the face.' Temmie said.A cold breeze somehow flew by and made me shiver, 'Come on,let's get moving.Walking might help us get warmer.' Temmie said.

                                                                               ~Time skip~

The snow seemed to be fresh, 'Okay,snow underground is impossible,snowing underground is just plain ridiculous!' I thought.My legs sunk in into the snow,I could hardly feel them now.I took a turn and sighed in relief,I stepped onto the bridge and shook the snow off my legs and boots.The snow was more compact past the bridge,so I didn't slip through. 'You better get something warm to wear,or you'll have icicles hanging from everywhere.' a familiar voice said,in a cut in the tree-line was another sentry station where Papyrus was sitting and smoking. 'You don't think we tried skinny trashbag?!' Temmie yapped, 'That's a new one,usually I'm called thing like- ' Papyrus said but cut off. 'I don't think you want to hear,it might scar the little innocence you have.' Papyrus said blowing out some smoke,luckily I was far enough that the smoke didn't get me. 'You look like you could use some hot spider cider.' Papyrus chuckled, 'What's...that?' I asked and he raised an eyebrow. 'You seriously were in Snowdin and didn't hear about Muffet's?' Papyrus asked looking offended,I shook my head. 'Come on,it's probably best to enjoy what little life you have human.' Papyrus said standing up and walking to me,he dropped his cigarette in the snow and crushed it.Temmie looked suspicious as he started walking,hoping I wouldn't die I followed him.

Golden Petals(Swap!Flowerfell Papyrus x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora