Chapter 2

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When i got to school i walked in the building and did my signature whistle everyone but my group slammed against walls and lockers to get out of my way. I did my signature smirk and walked to my group. I'm the shortest at the height 5'0 but I'm the leader. Then there is Me, Aiden, Joe, Shawn, Emily, and Kate.

Aiden: Hes the tallest of us all but he is the youngest of the triplets. He is about 6'2. He has reddish brown hair.And he has dark green eyes. He is by far my best friend, we are so close its like a brother and sister relationship.

Joe: He is the oldest of the triplets and he is 6'0 with dark blue hair, his eyes are so brown they are almost black.

Shawn: he is the middle triplet at 5'11, his hair is black with teal tips.

Emily: she is 5'6 her hair is dark purple and hot pink mixture. 

Kate: she is 5'4 her hair is my favorite its lavender at the top of her head and as it goes down into a sky blue color. 

 Then me, Carter: my height is 5'0, I have dark brown curly hair with natural reddish colored highlights, my eyes are sky blue with darker blue around edges. 

*Back To The Story*

When i got to my group i was greeted by them all chorusing "Hey Shorty" all at the same time. Creepy. "Sup guys, so i have some good news! I found this new house a couple road up and its a mansion. 5 teenage guys moved in with 2 adults. We should decorate there house as a welcome to the neighborhood gift." i laughed with a triumphed smile on my face.

Everyone looked happy and excited. Then out of nowhere Kate goes blonde mode and screams "SCORE!!" in the middle of the hall way. People began to stare. i sighed and screamed. "What the hell you lookin' at!" Everyone but two people said nothing. Tim and Sophie. The had a smug look on both of there faces and Sophie said "6 bitchy bully's that get on my god damn nerves". I flipped back around and looked at her and asked. "What the hell did you say?" 

"I said 6. bitchy. bully's. that. get. on. my. god. damn. nerves." she started baby talking at me. i could feel my face getting red in anger. She smirked and said "Awe Tim look little miss bad girl is getting mad. Go home and cry to your daddy, oh wait you don't have one. Poor Carter." She ended with a smug smile. That's it, she pulled the no dad card, that hit below the belt. Next thing i know all in see is red, it only happens when i get super mad. Last thing i remember is gasping when she finished her sentence. Then when i could see everything again i looked around all i could see were flashing lights and blood all over the floor. "Oh my god! Shorty are you okay!" a Panicked Jake ran over to me. "I'm fine but how is Sophia and Tim?" i asked smirking "oh they are in the hospital, both of them combined they have 12 broken bones. i cracked up thinking about it. i looked down at my self, a few bruises, scratches, and bumps.

A police officer walked over, he must be new because i don't recognize him. Time to have some fun with this. "Excuse me, Carter Johnson?".he asked? "Yea?" 

"Well I'm officer Jason, i have to take you down to the police station" he said trying to look official. i laughed and said

"Great i haven't seen Sam for 3 days" i said happily and skipped to the car. He stood there with a shocked look on his face. i had to scream for him to snap out of it. Sam is head officer and he is like my second dad, since mine died in a car crash like 6 years ago.He is like 47 but he is pretty cool. When i walked in i was greeted by many officers asking what i did this time. i just laughed and walked into Sam's office with Jason behind me. "Hey Daddy-o" i said hugging him, he is seriously a big teddy bear. "Hey sweet pea" he said smiling and kissing my forehead in a fatherly fashion."Oh sir i didn't know she was your daughter?" Jason said looking as confused as ever. He chuckled and said "She isn't my daughter but she is pretty close to one." he said smiling. "Oh okay?" Jason said and walked out. "Carter you have to stop fighting darling, one more time getting in trouble and you get in serious trouble." Sam said seriously. "I'm sorry but i didn't start this one! she hit below the belt and i got red fury mad" i told him. "its okay just try, one more time of getting in serious trouble you mom said your gone. I dont want to loose you you like the daughter i never had. it would break my heart. And if you wont do it for me, do it for your dad" he said hugging me. At that moment i realized i have to do this for Sam and my Dad.

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