Chapter 1

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Carters pov:

"Carter wake up, you need to go to school." my mom said while leaning on my door frame. "Ughhhhh, i don't want to." i complained then stuffed my face back into the warmth of my bed. I heard her soft foot steps leaving. So like any normal teenager i decided to go back to bed. Bad idea. I wake up face down on the floor and my older brother laughing at me. "Get a life Jake, no one likes you" i grumbled at him. "Just get up, Kat is going to use up all the hot water" as soon as he said that i was up and heading to the bathroom. He laughed and left my room. I guess this is a good time to introduce myself. I'm Carter Rose Johnson, I have dark brown hair that goes down to about my hips.  i have vibrant blue eyes that look like they are contacts but i assure you they are not. Before you think I'm some kind of weirdo hippie dude, i am in fact a girl and yes i know i have a boys name get over it. Anyways i have a big brother named Jake he is 22, my twin sister Kat, and last but not least my little brother Zach hes 8. Me and Kat are 17 almost 18, but we are complete opposites, we are identical but my sister changed her looks unlike me. im a tomboy, i love to four wheel, play video games, boxing, and skateboarding. But i love to sing still, its one of my secret talents that no one knows about. And if you try to get me to dress up you will end up in a hospital. i have been in trouble with the police before for spray painting, stealing, and fighting. Any ways my sister (Kat) is super popular (Unlike me) she is a girly girl. She paints her nails, bleaches her hair to be blonde, and dresses up no matter where she goes. Let me say, we are not fond of each other. "Your going to be late!" my mother screeched at me through the bathroom door. I sighed and got out of the shower. i threw on my clothes and ran to the kitchen. i saw Jake eating MY breakfast. he saw me and looked like a deer caught in head lights. I literally growled at him and tackled him to the ground. "Don't eat my food!" i yelled at him. He just nodded and apologized.i got up and saw Kat i made a really disgusted face and started to fake cry. My mom walked in and asked "oh my goodness whats wrong" i fake sniffled and said "Its Kat.... h-h-her f-face got raped by a c-c-crayon" i wailed and started to cry again. My Brother laughed to the point where he looked like a retarted seal. i laughed and hopped on to my motorcycle. and headed on my way to hell. Or as you call it "School".

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