Meeting IA

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"So... is class going to be easy? Or hard? Because I think it will be harder than what we learn on Earth." I ask as we walk across the hallway of the girls dorm.

"Well, if it's hard for you, it's hard. If it's easy for you, it's easy. That's it." Gumi replies. "But I think training is the hardest subject. For me, at least."

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, it's like fighting, but not actually really fighting, just a simulation or something. And you can get hurt, too." Gumi explains.

"Oh. But what's the easiest subject for you?"

"Singing, obviously! I mean, all you have to do is learn all these thingies and practice them with singing, super easy. For me. But maybe it MIGHT be hard for you, cause you know, you're new, and there's all of these vibrato and harmonizing thingies that are maybe hard for you. It was hard for me at the start. But I think you can do it." Gumi gives me a thumbs up.

Soon, we reach the flash vertical mover. And it opens, people scatter out, and we head in. I remember to grab hold of the bars.

"You're holding the bars, huh?" Gumi asks me. "It reminds me of me, the first time I rode a flash vertical mover. The first time EVERYLOID rode a flash vertical mover. Just hold tight and close your eyes, that's what my dad told me."

I follow what Gumi said, I hold tight and close my eyes. ZOOM! I feel the flash vertical mover zipping down and me rocking back and forth, still holding the bars. Soon, the door of the flash vertical mover opens, and I stumble out.

"Don't worry, if you ride flash vertical movers a lot, you'll get used to it." Gumi explains. "And I know you will, because you're staying in the girls dorm and you have to ride a flash vertical mover to get to your floor and to get to the ground floor, so yeah."

We turn left and walk until we reach a door with a sign that says "dining room". Luka opens the doors. The dining room looks like a cafeteria, but with golden tables and a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Then everyone in the dining room looks at us. And of course, every student in there is a girl. Some are wearing pajamas and some regular clothes.

"Come on, let's sit with IA, I'm gonna introduce you to her, but let's get our food first." Gumi says, and drags me and Luka as students look at us and whisper. Gumi drags us to a long line of students.
Her and Luka get trays from a stack of trays beside us, and I get one too.We wait until the line ends.

Once the line ends, in the side of us is a golden platform thingy with a button and speaker. Luka's first in the line from us, so she pushes the button. "I'd like a stack of bassberry songcakes with musical syrup and orange juice," Luka speaks into the speaker and puts her tray beside the platform, and it sticks! Then, we hear a beep and the food comes out. Wow! Luka steps out of the line and Gumi is next.

Gumi presses the button. I'd like a smoked singmon songwhich with lyricttuce and miyonaise and songberry milk," Gumi speaks into the speaker and puts her tray to the side of the platform. "I never order the same thing twice," Gumi whispers. Soon, Gumi's order pops out, and she steps out of the line, and I step forward. Hmm, what could they have here for breakfast?

"Is there like, a menu or something?" I ask.

"You can order anything you want," Luka whispers. Oh, that's pretty cool! But what food do they have in Vocala? Well, the only breakfast item I've heard is songcakes from Rin and Len. Bassberry songcakes, to be exact. Luka ordered that. Maybe I should try it, too.

I press the button. "I'd like a stack of bassberry songcakes and one glass of milk," I speak into the speaker. I wonder if they have milk here. Maybe yes, maybe not.

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