Eyes of the Battlemage

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“Iel, the battlemage.” The mage knew his title well and walked with staff in hand onto the stage. As with before, when he looked over the others  vanished, and he could not sense the drow’s magic anywhere.

                Iel watched the grunts come to the stage. Shadows raised from the floor and onto his arms where  they rested. Five blasts consecutive blasts of shadow left his hands. The darkness swallowed up the grunts, blinding them and wrapping their bodies with shadow, it produced a powerful psychotic effect on the grunts. One by one they thudded to the ground, with the darkness around them, it was the only way to tell what they were doing. Deep gasps for breath filled the air, but in the following moments it stopped.

                As he finished the mage teleported without the signal to leave, however if he was expressly forbidden he would have appeared by now. Most were dumbstruck by the mage killing them without lifting a finger.

                Balaufein studied his knew ebon-skinned white haired form. Red eyes also rested in his skull, he was glad that at least his height remained. He sensed another form in the room, but the sound was quite low, so low that his human form would’ve been unable to hear it. Unperturbed he touched one of molten parts of the cloak and a tubular metal hair clip formed and he clipped his hair into a high ponytail. Iel was getting ready to speak to him when a scimitar swung out with blinding speed. Iel dropped and aimed his rapier for Balaufein’s vitals, but he kicked the mage’s arm.

                “Excellent moves,”

                “Those suited freaks will kill us if we are caught fighting.” Bal replied angrily.

                “Do you really care what they will do, these people are your schoolmates and I am your friend. They are going to force you to kill us.”

                “Don’t lecture me.” Balaufein warned, the scimitar still in his left hand. Iel could tell that a threat made with a weapon in his left hand meant he was ambidextrous, and Baluafein was just daring him to strike. Neither of them spoke a word, both Bal and Iel put back on their hoods, showing there was no desire to communicate on either end. They took separate pathways back to the hall.

                The two entered just in time to see the Marilith, one of the larger creatures that a girl had the good fortune to be turned into. A humanoid female from the waist up with flowing black hair. Her clothing, which stopped at a large golden necklace embedded with a rainbow assortment of jewels left the boys sweating (though if you asked one, they would have blamed the heat from a couple hundred hooting boys) She had six arms total and the most striking feature was the thick snake’s tail that was from her waist down making her length around twenty feet from the tail’s tip to her crown.

                Each hand held a sword, an axe or another one handed weapon made of the same jet material as Balaufein’s armor. In a flurry of black weapons there were no more grunts, only flesh and sinew.

                I hope she isn’t going to fight you Balaufein. Enraged he took the nearest person and stabbed them in the chest with the scimitar and twisted it leaving them to die.

                In total they had missed two combatants while in the bathroom and the Marilith had been shown to be the person to beat. 

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