Chapter 2: Let's get the party started

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Sorry that it took so long, I totally forgot about this story till I was talking to some friends about Halloween and I want to finish this till Halloween so here's my new chapter.

Sonic, Knuckles and Tails sat on the couch and played some video games until a knock on the door interrupt them. Sonic jumped up and zipped to the door and as he opened it Amy, Cream and Cheese stood in the doorway with a lot of food for the party. "Wow, do you really think we can eat that much" Sonic asked Amy as he saw all the boxes with food inside. "Better more than less" Amy answered and walked inside with Cream and Cheese right behind her. 

They put the boxes in the kitchen and walked into the living room. "Hey guys" Amy and Cream said and the read echidna and yellow fox stopped playing the video game. "Hi Amy hi Cream" Knuckles said. "Why don't you have your costumes on" Tails asked as he saw that Amy and Cream where their normal clothes. 

"We took them with us, we still need to put the food in the living room and warm some of it up" Amy said. "The decoration looks great by the way" Cream said. "Are you done with talking now" Sonic said as he stood in the doorway of the living room door. "Yes we are, come on let's prepare the food guys" Tails said as the five friends walked into the kitchen. 

After half an hour they were done and the food was now standing on a table in the living room. "And done" Cream said as she put the last plate with cookies on the table. "Come on Cream lets put on our costumes" Amy said and she and Cream walked to the bathroom with a bag in there hand. After twenty minutes they came back in the living room. Cream was dressed as a princess and Amy was dressed like a witch. 

"How do I look Sonic" Amy asked as she stood in front of the blue hedgehog. Sonic didn't respond at first because he was busy with starring at Amy. "Um ... Sonic, are you alright I asked you something" Amy asked as she waved a hand in front of his eyes. Sonic was still starring  at Amy. Then Knuckles came up to him and elbowed him. "What's the matter blue boy, can't speak because of Amy" Knuckles asked smirking. 

"What ... no ... I- I was just daydreaming" Sonic answered quickly. "But you looked at Amy" Tails said. "No I was looking at nothing, she just stood in front of me" Sonic said and turned his head away from Knuckles and Tails. "Sure" Knuckles said. "Sonic, since you was daydreaming" Amy said sarcastic "Could you please answer my question" Amy asked. "What was your question again, I wasn't listening" Sonic said and glared at Knuckles who chuckled at him. 

"I asked you How do I look" Amy said. "Nice" Sonic answered as he lightly blushed. "Really, just nice Sonic, I think that you thought something else" Knuckles said as he and Tails began to laugh because of the blushing blue hedgehog. "No I'm not thinking something else" Sonic said and glared at Knuckles. "Are you sure, because you're ...." Knuckles said but got interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll open the door" Sonic said as he dashed to the door. "Of course you want to open the door, but this conversation will be continued Sonic" Knuckles yelled after him and Sonic just ignored it.

As Sonic opened the door he saw Silver and Shadow. Silver was wearing a ghost costume and Shadow wears a Vampire costume. "Hey guys, nice costumes" Sonic said as he let the two other hedgehogs inside. "I hope we do some scary things, if not I'm out of her" Shadow said and walked past Sonic. "We are going to watch a horror movie" Sonic said as he followed Shadow and Silver. 

"I hope for you that this movie is scary" Shadow said and sat down on the couch and started to play with his mobile phone. "Why is he in such a bad mood " Sonic asked Silver but he doesn't know. "Who else is coming to the party" Silver asked. " Since you, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Cream are here we just need to wait for Blaze, Rouge, Tikal, Espio and Charmy" Sonic said. 

"Rouge texted me, she and Blaze will be hear in a few minutes" Shadow said. "Dose anybody know when Vector and the other two are coming" Tails asked. "I will ask my mom, maybe she knows something" Cream said as she texted Vanilla. A few minutes later Cream got an answer. "They'll be here in ten minuets" Cream said as she put her mobile phone back in her pocked. Then there was a knock on the door. Tails opened it and Rouge, Blaze and Tikal came in. 

Rouge has on a vampire costume, Blaze looks like a zombie and Tikal wears a pumpkin costume. "Here we are, where are Amy and Cream I want to see there costumes" Rouge said as she pushed Tails out of her way. "Hello to you too Rouge" Tails said as he let the two other females in the house. "Hey Tails" Tikal and Blaze said as the two walked inside. "Nice decoration" Tikal said. "Thanks" Knuckles who now was in front of her. 

"Are we all or do we have to wait for someone" Blaze asked. "We still have to wait for the Chaotix" Amy said. "NO you don't have to wait" Charmy said as he flew inside. "Charmy, how often do I have to say that you can't just fly into a house before knocking on the door" Espio said angry at Charmy. "Sorry, but I want to have candy" Charmy said excited. "Sorry about that" Vector said as he and Espio walked inside the house as well. "Now that finally everyone is here, let's get this party started" Tails said.

Sorry if there are mistakes in there I hope to update soon and also get this story finished till Halloween.

Sonamy HalloweenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt