~ Chapter 1 ~

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I've tried everything.

I've tried for so long now for someone to take me in as their own. Someone who I can call mom and dad again. When I ask them they just look at me weird and tell me awful things like 'No one wants a freak like you!' Or, 'You little weirdo! You should've never been born.' It seems  as though if nobody wants me. Maybe it's because I'm particularly a cat and human. 'It's not my fault though.' I think to myself as I wander down Victorian street. I've been wandering London forever now and my legs are aching. I find a curb and sit down on it. As I sit I watch carriages pass and parents with smiling and happy children. My ears lower remembering my parents.'I wish things could go back to how they used to be. When I had a home. When I had toys to play with and father would play with me, and when mother would braid my hair and sing lullabies to me as I slept.'  I think to myself as I feel tears brim in my eyes. I look up at the sky and watch as it darkens and rain begins to fall. I begin to cry. 'I will never forget that day' I think to myself as I cry into my worn jacket sleeve. My tummy began to growl. I got up began to search for food. I walk into a nearby bakery.

"Hello little girl, how can I help you?" Asked the man at the register. I walk up to the man and but a quarter on the table. "Um..what will this get me?.." I shyly ask. The man grabbed my change and went to see what he could get me. "Here you go little one, it's not much but i'm sure it would be enough for the night." He said putting a piece of bread on the counter. "Would you like this in a bag?" He asks me with a smile. I shake my head and he hands me the bread. I smile, "Thank you!" I say as I make my way to the exit. As I was walking, I ran into something.

- Sebastian P O V -

The young master and I just entered the bakery when something ran into my legs. I look down and see a little girl with a piece of bread. Her clothes were torn and ripped. Luckily, she had a worn jacket at least. She looked up at me, "I'm sorry mister, I-I promise I won't do it again!" she apologetically said and ran out before I could say anything. "Sebastian, what are you doing?" The young master asked. "Nothing." I say. Something about her, she wasn't like any other human child I've seen. Her soul was definitely different too. Odd.

- Y/N P.O.V -

I continued walking in the rain. 'My legs are really tired ' I think to myself as I eat my piece of bread. After I finished it I felt exhausted. I found an alley and walked down it. My body collapses onto the hard pavement. I'm too  weak too move. My left ear flickered up when I heard a noise behind me. I try to turn my head around but that's when a hand covers my mouth and someone picks me up

"Well, well, well look what we have here. A weak little girl and it looks like no one is taking care of you, I'm sure your parents probably abandoned you, I wouldn't blame them." A man says chuckling.

"What should we do with her?" Another man asks.

"Well, it seems that we are a little low on money so we should sell her to some perverts. I'm sure they'd want her, if they don't we can just kill her." The man says. The man notices my chain around my neck and pulls on it only to reveal my silver and purple pendant necklace.

"Ooh, what's this? A present from somebody? You must be rich child from a noble family. Or are you a little thief? " The man asks pulling on it. My eyes widen. 'No. I can't let you have that! ' I think to myself and my eyes flash purple and my claws come out and I scratch the man in his face.

"OW! WHY YOU LITTLE-" He shouts and drops me. I hiss at him. Then the other man charges at me with his knife and picks me up by neck and starts to choke me.

"How sad, a child like you will die here all alone with and nobody will care," He says. I spit in his face. "You must really want to die huh?" He asks me with a snicker and grips his hand around my throat. "At least make your death a loud one so for once in your pathetic life someone will care for you when you're dead you little shit!" He says as he takes his knife and stabs me in my thigh. I scream as loud as I can and start to claw at his hand. "That's more like it," he says with a chuckle.

- Sebastian's P O V -

As the young master and I were walking down the street we heard a little girl's scream. I look at the young master.

"My lord, should we go investigate?" I ask him.

"I suppose. Let's go, Sebastian!" He yells and we begin to run in the direction of the scream.

- Y/N P O V -

The man began to beat me. He punched and kicked me in my stomach and my face he even threw me against the wall.He then continued to beat me. He punched me in my eye too. I'm now bleeding from my head and my thigh and now busted lip and nose. I try to scratch him in his face only for him to pick me up by my neck and choke me again.

"P-p-please..d-don't..kill me,"  I beg.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that now little one." The other man says as he pulls a gun to my head. I try to squirm in the man's grasp but I fail. He tightens his grip on my neck and I can feel myself passing out. 'I'm going to die here. Alone and no one will care.' I think to myself as I began to cry.

"Aww what's the matter? Afraid to die? Good, you should be," The man with the gun says with a chuckle. My body aches and I'm too weak to fight back. The man begins to load his gun as I hear two pairs of footsteps. I can hear his finger on the trigger. I hear two voices echo in my head as I pass out.

『Cries In The Dark』ON HOLD!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant