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Dr.B bursts into the room in bewilderment and hysterics. Demanding to know what was going on as Harry hugged me, sitting in my lap. She must have seen us through the glass as she walked into her lab.

"He's crying B, totally crying." I answered and Harry pulls his face away when I did. He had a frown on his face. But such a pretty one at that.

"Come with me, Harry, I need to scan your mental activity. I need to see what's going on." She took a step toward us and I felt Harry's fingers curl into my back and he moved to grip my shirt harder.

"Why- why don't you let him feel this for a while longer, don't rush it." I suggested. I knew immediately I shouldn't have because I received a look I knew too well, one my mom wore when I had done something wrong.

"Harry, come."

He released my shirt and got up, walking with her out the door, wiping a stray tear. Once they left the room I ran my hand over my face and rolled my shoulders, sighing.

"Shit." I muttered to myself.


I had silently hoped that Dr.B would have left Harry and I alone again, but she didn't, of course she wouldn't. Instead she spent half of the day doing tests on Harry and interrogating the hell out of him. I couldn't help but feel like he hated every second of it. He clearly expressed earlier that didn't enjoy the thought of feeling and being treated like a piece of metal, and plugging him into a computer probably wasn't helping the case at the moment. I wanted to go home after watching the poor boy go through all of it. He wanted to be human and wanted to be treated like one, and all she did was the opposite of that and I didn't wanna witness it anymore.

I sat across the room and watched, reluctantly. Harry glanced over at me more than a dozen times. I started to think. Dr.B struggled supposedly for months trying to get Harry's emotions in working order and couldn't succeed, and I was being to realize why she hadn't. She had spent so much time building him as a machine that she had lost sight of him being anything but that.

I didn't want to think so lowly of my mentor but I was only being logical.


At the end of the day, as Dr.B typed away on her computer, I said goodbye to Harry and shook his hand. He shot me a look, his head tilted to the side and his eyebrows were furrowed but I just nodded at him, hoping he understood what I had just done.


I spent the rest of the evening clutching my phone in my hand, hoping that Dr.B didn't find the note.


Something woke me up in the middle of the night but it wasn't what wanted it to be.

I went to the washroom got back in bed and I fell back to sleep in a half hour after checking my phone.


I found myself at MassCorp an hour early, I wanted to have time alone with Harry. I needed to talk to him. Making my way up to the lab I quickly found out that Dr. B wasn't there yet. I walked across the lab and opened Harry's door. I was quick to turn off the charger and pull the pad off of Harry's chest this time.

I only stared for a second, I swear.

It felt like forever before Harry woke up, blinking his eyes open.

artificial intelligence - NARRY Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang