[Chapter Twenty-Five]

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Through out the whole date, I was mentally screaming at myself. Why didn't I check the time! Really embarrassing. Just...

I rubbed my face with the palms of my hands and groaned when I realized there was a whole stack of papers on my desk. It looked like a bath tub that was overflowing.

I sighed and walked to my bed but stopped. My eyes scanned the bed outline, as the the lights weren't on. I blew a relieved breath and jumped on the bed when I confirmed there wasn't a prince in my bed.

As I lay on the mattress, the time ticked in my head. How many more months, weeks, days until I walk that isle? Or until my Father places my hand upon his?

Sometimes, I want to strangle time myself, other times I wish time would take me with it. But right now, I want time to go at my pace. Don't we all?

I let my mind drift and slowly, everything disappeared.


"Princess the shipment for the Cosmos will come in tomorrow." My adviser informed.

"Great!" We advanced to the ballroom. The satin cloths were just being hung up. Tables were being arranged and the decorations were just being started. If everything goes to schedule, we should be done by two days from now. I smiled. "Okay, what about the Water Lillie's?" I asked.

"They'll be here tonight." She tapped her clipboard.

"Really? That early?"

"Yes, it seems the supplier was informed that the order was from the Princess."

"Splendid! The sooner the better." The windows pronounced the wonderful sunlight, which glimmered upon the chandelier. "Um, then do you think you can handle the rest? I mean, just until I get back to you of course," I said, turning to her.

"It would be an honor Princess!"

"Thank you so much!" I squealed. With that, I was speed walking to find Ian.

I found him right at the door of the ballroom. As always, Ian stood with utmost posture. "Good morning Princess." He bowed.

"And a good morning to you too, Ian."

"Did you need assistance?" He turned his head slightly to the left.

"Can you get a car to the Bookstore?" I asked.

"Of course."

Ian and I walked to the car that awaited us. The car was shining and was perfectly waxed. It was absurdly similar to Ian. With it's slick coat of black glass and Ian's slick hair. With it's polished tire caps and Ian's glaring shoes. No doubt, this car could be his twin.

Ian opened the door for me and I got in. The ride was longer than usual. Maybe it was just me, antsy and all.

We finally arrived and I couldn't wait anymore, so I opened the door myself. Even I'd say it was unladylike, but I remind you I'm about to gossip my secrets to a friend.

When I stepped out, Ian jumped back and was about to scold me when I cut him off to quickly apologize. Then I left him and entered the book paradise. Kate was where she always was, behind the front desk, book in hand. She looked up at me. "Nayla? The children aren't here today."

"Yes I know," I smiled and pulled up a chair next to her. "I have something to tell you."

"You're getting married! Yes! I knew you would pick him-!"

"No! I'm not getting married yet! Plus, I don't 'pick' them. I find him. But wait what? Who'd you think I was going to pick!?" I shrieked, out of breath.

Kate laughed nervously. "Well, uh, he he. What are you here for then?"

I sighed. "Anyways, I was..." I continued to tell her my experience with the phone incident. She listened and nodded and stopped me to make comments.

"So your telling me you didn't see his face, and didn't get a name. Therefore, you have nothing, on who to figure out who it was?" She confirmed. I gave a as light shrug and slumped in my seat. Immediately, I straightened back up, scolding myself to calm down.

Kate nudged me. "You know, I've always wanted to be a princess," she said suddenly. "Have dudes all around me." She sighed dreamily while clasping her hands together and tucking them at her cheek.

"Be my guest. I'd gladly be in here." I waved my arms dramatically around the store, gesturing to all the books.

"Nah you won't last a week in here." She smiled at me. I eyed her. "You love the people too much." I sighed. She was right. "But really let's talk boys." Her eyes sparkled and her shoulders rose. Those cheeks of hers lifted from the broadening smile. "Who do you like!?"

"I like all of them." I nodded, confirming my answer.

She looked at me with a 'duh' expression. "Seriously? Cause I like, like all of them too. And like, they are just so caaa-uuutee!" Her voice was obnoxiously like the girls in the movies.

"Stop it," I laughed.

"Fine, let's do this, who do you think of the most?" She winked.

"Do I have to answer?"

"Oh don't avoid the question. If you wanna find the man. You gotta think about it.

"You're right. Uh let's see.." I thought, and there really wasn't much to think about. "I'd have to say, Aala?"

She squealed and then recomposed herself. "Okay. Now, what do you like about him?"


"Princess?" I swiveled around and found Ian at the door. "Your mother has requested you return to the castle."

"Um, alright. Goodbye Kate." I got up and began walking.

"Wait," she said. "What is it you like about him?"

I smiled. "His eyes."


Hey guys.

Really sorry for the long wait. Highschool homework got in the way. But really, thanks for waiting for this chapter.

It's kinda just a filler, but I hope you enjoyed it!


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