[Chapter Thirty-Three]

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"Ouch!" I startle awake. A pinch of pain pulses at my cheek and I nearly shriek at the hand that hit me. When I look closer it's arm attaches to a known face who I refer to as Ess.

Sitting up, I have a view of my bed area. My land has been taken by young girls whom sleep without a care. Kyra and Prisha sleep at the foot of the bed and at my sides are Ess and Afreen. But it isn't as if I mind. They were like the little sisters I've never had. It was just really, really, really, warm. It was also kind of weird because the usual silence was filled with calm breathing, snoring, and a little bit of whispers.

I smile at the thought. Deciding to read some time away, I reach at my side table blindly. When my fingers don't find the book, I remember the recent occurrence. I surprise myself when a smile stretches on my lips instead of a frown.

A girl stirs. Prisha. She stirs until her eyes flutter open. Slowly, she sits up while rubbing her eyes. One by one, the young princesses awake. They yawn and stretch the sleep away.

I get out of bed and open my door. Sure enough Ian stands by the door, suit polished and hair slick. "Ian, could you send us some breakfast please?" He nods and I reenter my room.

Minutes later, someone knocks on our door. When I open the door, my lips create a circle. In his hands is a silver tray with many desserts and pastries. "Xavier?"

"Morning to you too. Breakfast anyone?!" He calls out. The little girls giggle.

"Morning Nayla," Aala squeaks. He holds a silver tray too.

"Hi there!" Cepos says, popping from behind.

"So," Xavier started, "you going to let us in?"

I shake out of it and step aside. "Uh, Apologies, come in." Gladly, they hop in. They immediately start to set the food onto a table. The girls drag chairs to the small area. Many of the yummy assortments are now clustered onto the round table. Xavier turns and waves me over.

The young princesses have already started to dig in. Light cream swipes their cheeks and tips their noses. A giggle rises in my throat at such a sight. Before it bursts though, I hear a chuckle. Aala must have seen it too. When he catches me staring, I blink rapidly. He just smiles and continues with his meal while I try not to choke on mine.


"Safe travels," I say.

"Oh you've been so kind, dear," Aala's mother says sweetly. "Please take care of yourself alright?" I nod. Then she firmly grabs my hands. "No matter what your decision is, we'll always be family."

"Thank you. Thank you very much."

She gives my hands one last squeeze before letting them go. Ayala's father smiles at me and gives his goodbye. Then Prisha looks up to me. Her dark hair is braided and snaked across her shoulder. She smiles sadly. "I guess this is goodbye then."

"Oh I don't think that's true. You don't think I'll let you go that easily." She smiles but no wider than the first. I frown and lean down to her level. I motion her over with wide arms. She rushes into my embrace. Then when her ear is close to my lips I whisper only to her the words I haven't told anyone yet. She gasps. Then she pulls back and I let go.

"Prisha!" Her mother calls. When she looks at me, I put a finger to my lips and smile. She grins so wildly.

"Take care of my brother alright? See you soon!" Then she runs off. Aala waves and turns to me.

"What did you say?" He asks innocently, oh so innocently.

"It was about you," I tease. His eyes widen and his mouth parts as if to say something but nothing comes out. Sure enough when I glance at his ears, the red flushes against his skin. My smile widens for an odd reason.

I say my goodbyes to everyone and watch as they all depart. The boys wave at the reporters and I do too. Aala stands beside me on my right and Xavier on the other.

"Princess Nayla!"

"Princess have you chosen!?"

"Prince Xavier over here!"

"Prince Aala!"

"Can you scoot closer!"

After awhile, we decide to head back inside. My breath seems to come back to me in a rush and in one gulp it fills my lungs. I turn around and look at each of the boys. When I meet each of their eyes, I know they know it. "I'm hopeful that you all had a great time with your parents. Please, go rest now, I'm sure you're all very depleted. I'll retreat to my chambers."

They nod and go their separate ways. I walk to my bedroom and collapse inside. I sigh and snuggle beneath my bedsheets. Something hard touches my feet. When I reach down, I realize it's the remote. I shrug and switch on the TV.

Princess Nayla just said her goodbyes to the many lovely Royal families. The princes have accompanied their family departures with a sad wave. But it won't be long until they see their families again!

Princess Nayla only has two more weeks! Who will the lucky prince be?

Prince Xavier has taken the lead of the popular prince also tied with Prince Aala.

Who will be the one chosen to rule and love Nayla?

I blink.

I already know. I always knew.

I see his picture appear on the screen.

I know. I'm sure.

I smile.

I know!

It feels so good to know.


As you can tell, this story is coming to a close soon.

Just wanted to let you know. ;)

Thank you~

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