[Chapter Fifteen]

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Yup! I updated the cover!

Hope you like it.

Thanks for reading!


Princess Nayla has a secret lover?!

My confused face was plastered next to another photo. I stood next to Trent. He was all happy and I was all 'what?'.

Sir Trent, son of Duke Ferdinand. It could be true! With a history like theirs, something was bound to happen.

But what will happen to the six poor boys? Has Princess Nayla been toying with them all along-

I turned off the TV. I didn't have enough energy to be angry. What I do have enough energy for, is to fix this. The date was my main plan. It was going to be a bit public, so that everyone could see.

But I also had to deal with Trent. Send him home? Make him tell the public that he was just being an...an idiot? Either way, I doubt the public would believe him. My best hope was that it would be covered up with a more interesting subject. Like a date!

"Ian?" I called.

"Yes Princess?"

"Could you give this to Aala?"

"Of course Princess," He took the slip of paper from my fingers and left without another word. Rose had pinned my hair into a light ponytail. A braid was threaded at the crown of my head.

"Ready?" Rose asked.

"As ever."


The wind was a slight blow today. It lightly swirled my loose strands of hair. As I waited in the garden, I could see the reporters in the distance. Guards held them from coming any closer.


I twirled around and found Aala. He stood in a white button up that was paired with black dress pants. The top button of his shirt was unbuttoned. His dark short cut hair contrasted well with his skin.

"Hey there Aala," I greeted. "Just in time. Shall we walk?"

He held his arm out awkwardly and I wrapped mine around his. Aala gave nervous glances at the reporters. While we walked, the reporters followed at a great distance. "Don't worry about them. They won't be here for long. Just smile," I encouraged him with a smile of my own. He responded with his lopsided grin.

"Well, uh, favorite flower?" He pointed to the garden.

"Daisies. Favorite color?" I asked.

He thought for awhile. "Green. Favorite Fairytale?"

"Cinderella! Favorite animal?"

"Hmmm, turtles. Favorite book?"

"Impossible," I replied. He chuckled.

"Agreed. Like a mother picking her favorite child."

"Well, I doubt it would be hard for my mother," I joked. He laughed quietly and nodded his head. The ends of his eyes crinkle.


"Have you spoken to your family?" I ask.

"Oh yes. My father has been busy dealing with the riots in the cities and my mother has her hands full with Prisha."

"And Prisha is your 13 year old sister?" I confirm.

"Yes. She has been running away from her studies and playing with the towns children. Prisha is much more social than I."

I laughed. "You must miss her."

"Ah, yes. She is quite the soul." He smiled.


"Prince Aalaahdith!"

"Look here Princess Nayla!"

For a short time, I had forgotten that they were here. I think Aala had too. I gave him an earnest look as we turned around. "Smile," I whisper to Aala. They take dozens of shots before returning to the questions.

"Are you on a date?!" One reporter shouts.

"Yes we are." I reply calmly. As I glance at the corner of my eye, I can see him turn pink.

"How are you two getting along?!"

"Excellent! This one's a sneaky one," I tell them. Aala chuckles into his fist. The reporters giggle.

"How about you Prince Aalaahdith?"

"Uh, well, Nayla is...lovely." His voice is soft compared to the crowd. The reporters grow noisier. I think that's enough. My hand motions for a guard to come to me.

"Yes Princess?"

"We'll be going now," I cue him.

He nods and turns back to give orders. I give them one last smile before I guide Aala deeper into the garden.

"Look! Daisies," Aala points. There they are. In a grand bundle next to the roses.

I kneel onto the grass. "Mmm! They smell fresh." He kneels next to me. His knees dig into the dirt. Leaving grass stains. "Oh! Aala! Your clothes!"

He looks down at his legs. Then he looks at my dress. "Um, I think you should be more worried." I look at my dress. The front part is sooted in dirt and grass clippings.


He chuckles. "Let's get cleaned up," he says as he holds his hand out to me. As I take his hand in mine, I hear it.


The sprinklers! They suddenly turn on, showering us with water. I yelp as the cold droplets touch my skin. I can see Aala flinch in a panic. "Nayla!" He shouts and pulls me up. His hand is warm to the touch.

"Run!" I yell. As we run hand in hand, the water floods my shoes. With each step, I can feel the water filled cushion squish against my weight. My eyes struggle to see, and I stumble on some sort of thick branch. But Alaa's strong arm grips me tight before I fall. He tries to shield me from the water, but it comes in every direction.

By the time we seek cover, we're drenched. We just stand at the back entrance puffing and gasping for air. Aala's eyes are wide. His face is combed with water. The water just keeps dripping.

His whole body is soaked. The white button up is practically see-through. I quickly divert my eyes. Although, they did resist for a bit.

The bottom of his pants drip with a mix of dirt and water. When my eyes reach his feet, I realized he's missing a shoe. "Oh!" I blurt out. His eyes follow my gaze and realizes what I meant.


He looks back at me. His oceans fill me with amusement. I burst into a fit of laughter. It just suddenly washes over me. Our ridiculous state and wild escape. Another laughter joins in with me. Aala's.

We just laugh. If laughter could harmonize, this is exactly what it would sound like.

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