Chapter Two

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"Camila Cabello, will you marry me?"

The auditorium went quiet and all Lauren could hear was the blood pumping through her body, her heart pounding so loudly she thought everyone could hear it, her veins feeling like they could burst at the amount of pressure forcing through.

Camila looked from the ring and down to Lauren's emerald eyes, then realised that she hadn't given an answer yet and was probably putting her girlfriend through torture.

"Yes!" Camila exclaimed happily, cupping her hand over her mouth as a few tears spilled from eyes.

"Yes? Really?" Lauren asked, her eyes widening slightly.

"Yes really you doofus," Camila giggled lightly, pulling Lauren up onto her feet. "I love you," Camila whispered, pulling Lauren into her so that she could finally kiss her... fianceé.

"I love you too," Lauren said against Camila's lips, and then all of the sound came flooding back to her. The cheering invaded both of the girls ears and Lauren pulled away to see Selena beaming wildly at her and everyone around her clapping and cheering.

"Holy shit," Lauren mumbled, glancing at Camila next to her. "Oh yeah," Lauren laughed, pulling the brown eyed girls hand into hers and sliding the ring onto her finger.

"It's so beautiful, Laur," Camila said quietly, looking up at Lauren who had tears in her eyes.

"You're beautiful," Lauren said with a smile on her face.

She turned around and shook LA Reid's hand one last time before walking off the stage, hand in hand with Camila.

"Congratulations!" Selena beamed, running up to the couple and hugging the both of them tightly.

"I've never been more nervous in my life," Lauren admitted, glancing down at their intertwined hands and the ring on Camila's finger.

"Aw, you were nervous?" Camila asked, looking at Lauren who had a small blush on her face.

"I thought I would faint," Lauren said, shuffling around on the spot.

"Babe, of course I would've said yes. I would've said yes if you asked me two years ago or if you asked me last week. It's you. I'll always say yes," Camila said, standing up to peck Lauren on the lips.

"I thought I would drop the box my hands were shaking so much," Lauren said, running the pad of her thumb over the gem of the engagement ring.

The word played over in Lauren's head a few times. Engament ring. Therefore, she is engaged to Camila and she didn't think that she could be any happier in that moment.

The ring that Lauren bought was from Tiffany and Co. and she had vividly remembered Camila expressing her love for that particular brand and the rings that they sold. And as soon as she set her eyes upon this ring, she knew that it was the perfect one.

Camila had spotted it a while ago when the two were wandering around a shopping centre. Camila had suddenly pulled away from Lauren and pressed her hands against the window, her mesmerising brown eyes widening.

"Laur, look at this ring. It's beautiful," She said, looking at Lauren who was also carefully studying the ring.

"It is beautiful," Lauren agreed, memorizing the exact name of the ring... for future reference. At that moment, Lauren already knew that she wanted to marry Camila but the question always came up of when?

So when Lauren thought of the perfect time to propose, she went on a hunt for the ring, and it most definitely was a wild goose chase.

When Lauren had returned to the original Tiffany shop that they first saw the ring, they were completely sold out and nothing seemed to match the beauty of Camila's ring.

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