Girl Meets 5 Years

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Riley here. I am now 67 years old. The date is December 17, 2029. It has been 28 years since Lucas, Farkle and Charlie died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We miss them greatly. Bryan and Rylan are grown up 12 year olds. Tyler, Julia and Jessica are wonderful 9 year olds. Sabrina, Evelyn and Andrew are hyper 5 year olds. Lucy married Robert and they have four year old twins, Eve and Skylar. Eve and Skylar are 4. Lucy is 8 months pregnant with a boy. Blake welcomed Xavier George Gardner on August 29, 2027 at 0300. Xavier was 5 lbs 6 oz and 15 inches. Jaime had another son, Kevin Matthew Friar, also born August 29, 2027 at 0400. Kevin was 6 lbs 2 oz and 14 inches. Xavier and Kevin are now 2.

Blake here. It is now officially 28 years since I lost my father. Rest in peace dad. I had Xavier George Gardner 2 years ago. Xavier is a complete replica of Thomas. The green eyes, brown hair, mouth, nose and ears says it all. Bryan is now in middle school. Seventh grade. My boy is all grown up! Tyler is in fourth grade and is very mature for his age. Sabrina and Evelyn are five and in first grade. They are very smart, but hyper!

Ryder here! My dad died 28 years ago in the attacks. I'm wishing you all the luck dad. Jaime had our third son, Kevin Matthew, 2 years ago. Kevin is a complete replica of me. The brown hair, brown eyes, mouth, nose and ears says everything. Rylan is in seventh grade with Bryan. Julia and Jessica are in fourth grade and they are extremely mature for nine year olds. Andrew is in first grade with Sabrina and Evelyn. All of which are extremely smart kids.

Lucy here! It's been 28 years since my dad passed. I am now Lucy Tiffany Friar Gardner! That's right! I married my high school sweetheart, Robert Chase Gardner. We have two identical twin girls, Eve Zophia and Skylar Grace. They were born September 11, 2025 at 0500. Eve was 7 lbs 4 oz and 21 inches while Skylar was 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches. Eve and Skylar are identical twins. They look exactly like Robert. They have his blue eyes, brown hair, mouth, nose and ears. They are now 4. I am eight months pregnant with a boy that we are going to name Lucas Tristan Gardner II, in honor of my father. Eve and Skylar are excited to get a brother and Rob is excited to have a son to play with.

---------------1 month later----------------
Riley here. Lucy just had Lucas on New Year's Day. He looks so much like Lucy and Lucy looks so much like actual Lucas that I started to cry when I saw him.

Lucy here! I just had our son, Lucas Tristan Gardner II. Born January 1, 2030 at 0500. 8 lbs 9 oz and 18 inches. Lucas looks exactly like me. The dirty blonde hair, green eyes, nose, mouth and ears. When mom saw him, she started crying. Eve and Skylar love Lucas that they don't want to go to preschool anymore!! I told them they have to though!

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