Girl Meets 7 Years

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Hello. Riley here. Blake and Ryder are 22 and studying at NYU. Lucy is 15 and still dating Robert. I'm still a history teacher at Abigail Adams High School here in New York. Maya still works as the art teacher at the high school. Josh is working as an English teacher for John Quincy Adams Middle School. Izzy works as the science teacher for Abigail Adams High and Missy works as the English teacher at Abigail Adams High. Troy works as French for the High School and Gabriella for Spanish. Chad is the basketball coach and Taylor teaches Physics. Kelsey as the band teacher. Sharpay as the drama teacher. Siege as the German teacher.

Blake here! Ryder and I are now studying at NYU. Lucy is 15 and in 11th grade. Thomas and I are still dating.

Ryder here. Blake already told you that we are at NYU. Jaime and I are still dating.

Hey Guys! Lucy here! I'm now 15 and in 11th grade. My schedule:
1: Physics- Mrs Danforth
2: Science- Mrs Minkus
3: History- Mrs Friar
4: English- Mrs Gardner
5: Art- Mrs Matthews
6: Drama- Mrs Smith
7: Study Hall/Lunch
8: Band- Mrs Evans
9: French- Mr Bolton
10: Spanish- Mrs Bolton
11: German- Mr Smith
12: Robotics- Mrs Danforth
13: Homeroom- Mrs Friar
Robert has the same schedule as me except for fifth period. Then he has basketball with Mr Danforth.

Robert here. I love high school with my girl. I'm so happy that she got a chance in life to live! We have mostly every class together except for fifth because I have basketball instead of art.

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