Find The Key To My Heart

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The bell rings, signaling break time. The faded,crayon scribbled pre-school doors fly open with a loud crash and the kids scramble out quickly, happy to be free of school.Only one child is left in the empty hallways, still hugging her green fluffy monkey. She looked out to the flurry of children playing in the play ground, her big green eyes curious.

The usual noisy hallways reduced to silence,all the noise now transfered outside. The child slowly walked out into the clearing, tilting her head slightly at the scene in front of her. It was a sea of children, all with excited smiles on their faces running around to try everything.

There were some swinging as high as they could, the ancient swing straining under them, their cheeks flushed. The boys were fighting over the slides, pushing each other until one got hurt and a sharp wail would cut through the air, nobody gave it any attention though. The girls playing with their dolls, sitting in the old wooden house. 

'Darling! Why don't you go play with your friends?' The child turned around to face a busty teacher,  her lips still stretched out in that a fake smile, showing her pearly whites stained with red lipstick, her face coated in makeup. It was a horrifying sight, at least for the little girl.She gave her a little shove to encourage her but the child stood rooted to the ground. The lady huffed in frustration, randomly grabbing the child closest to her.

'Here, you can play with..Cameron.' She paused to think , pursuing her red lips before giving a harsh shove at the little boy, almost making him crash into her. The teacher turned on her heel and stomped off, trying not to show her frustration.

'Its Aeron' The little voice whispered to the fleeting figure, his tiny hand holding the green monkey soft hand, the head dangling to the ground.

'Awon.' A timid voice whispered behind him, the tone of her voice was not calling him,simply  saying his name.

He turned around to see forest green eyes staring back at him. Her gaze travelled to what he was grasping in his hand. He was grasping the same green monkey as her, except that his looked like it had gone through hell, the fluff was falling out of its gaping open ear, tire tracks ran all over the body but it didn't seemed to scare him. She smiled at the monkey, holding out her own to him.

'Wanna be fwends?' He nodded enthusiastically at her looking a lot like Noddy. She tilted her head ever so slightly, as if she was examining him, and he copied her. They both grinned comically at each other. .No words were exchanged.

They stared at each other for a full minute before beginning to smile at each other, and just like that, a beginning was born. A beginning of a friendship that would stay with them forever, a bond so close and tight, nothing could break it.

No matter how long they are apart, they will remember, that person will forever hold a place in each other's heart. Maybe their friendship would grow into something deeper, maybe not. Most people don't find their true friends, it is rare but some people are lucky but finding your soul mate and your best friend? That is faith.

I know that was cliche, especially the end but hey! It only the beginning, it will get better i promise ;). I'll put PG for now, might change it to PG-13 later. :)




*This was edited*

*Dedicated To ChuckleMonkey911 for dedicating a chapter in her story to me! Sorry its a bit late, i didn't realized. :)

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