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H:Dear Jiminie,
I know it's been years, I think over ten by now, and I know I haven't contacted you for a long time, but I'd like to be there for you again.

I understand if you found someone else, or simply don't want me.... I feel so terrible for not finding the time for you. Please accept me back?

I remember years and years ago, when I met you, you told me you loved me so, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

When you moved away, it tore my heart to shreds. I cried in my room for days and days, laying in my bed.

When you told me you understood, it brought happiness in my life. And just when I thought you'd never go, you went and carried out your new life.

I wanted to impress you, I wanted to not feel so distant. You knew that I loved you, despite the distance.

So please take me back, because I still love you, and because now that my career is over, and I have no where to go, and right beside you is the only place I can call home.

Or maybe I'll just stay like I used to be, misunderstood and without any hope.

J: I'm sorry, the number you have messaged is no longer in service.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the probably really shitty ending but I ran out of ideas so I was like 'Hey let's make this sad' --- anyways please look forward to my sequel for Paralyzed(namjin) that will be titled This Was Us, and I'll be posting the first chapter by 161020.

Thanks for reading!

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