Chapter 11

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        Tristen didn't start speaking again. Instead he just looked me into the eye, horrified. What did he expect? He pretty much kidnapped me and I didn't want to be close to him. I look over to Annie and she was still down at the ground. 

        Finally, Tristen began speaking again and said, " I do look at other girls besides them! I look at you."

        "You said  other girls. I'm only one other girl. You need to try and see if there are other girls who could possibly care about you. You just can't tell because you're only paying attention to me and that's making you turn into a psycho. It's not healthy Tristen," I explained to him. 

        He again walked towards me and before I could move away, he grasps my wrists and pins them to the edge of the counter. "Does it look like I actually care if I'm healthy?" he whispers.

        "How do you expect me to be with you and expect you to care about me whenever you can't even care about yourself?" I argue with him. He then lets go of my wrists and slowly walks backwards towards where he was before.

        "She's right. And it is pointless. She's telling us that all of the care that we're trying to give to her is just too much and that we should stop because clearly she's never going to give us the same love and care that we give to her. Might as well just stop," Annie finally spoke. For the majority of her saying that, she was still looking at the ground. But then at the end of it, she made eye contact with Tristen and I. 

        Tristen breaks the gaze that he had with Annie and looks over to me. He then says, "I just need to know, will you ever have feelings for me?"

        "Sorry, but no. Especially after all of this," I answer. 

        "But-" Tristen attempts to say but I cut him off by holding my hand up.

        I then tell him, "Do you realize that not only are you the reason for my memories being taken away, but you also did that to everyone else at this school. Except for yourself and Annie."

        "Well I'm not the only reason for the memories being taken away. Annie is as well."

        "I'm not talking about Annie right not, I'm talking about you. And don't you already know by now that I know that you and Annie are both apart of this? Because if you don't, then I just simply do not understand you at all," I scolded him.

        His concerned face turned into a sad face and then he looked down on the floor.

        "Anyway, not only did you do that, but you knocked me out and kidnapped me. Why would I ever be with someone who did all of these things to me? News flash, I'm not a psychopath like the two of you," I added on. 

        The two of them were both looking at the floor now that I noticed. They're probably feeling bad about this. Good. They need to feel bad about this. What they're doing is illegal and just simply horrible.

        Finally Annie let out a sigh and she said, "You must be hungry. It's been hours since lunch and the least thing that we could do is go to the cafeteria and get you a snack." And after she said that, the two of them exited the room and left the door open behind them. I saw them walk down the hallway and towards the cafeteria. Once they were very far down the hallway, I walked out of the classroom and realized even though I sort of forgive them, there were still a couple hundred people here that didn't have their memories and they were the reason for it. I couldn't just let them get away with it. So I walked to the office which was in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

        As I was walking, I peeked back behind my head a couple of times to see where they were. The last time I did that, I saw them walk into the cafeteria and after that, I started to run.

Don't You Forget About MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz