Chapter 9

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        As I'm exiting the classroom, I feel something hit me at the back of my head. I try to stand straight up but I feel myself fall and everything turns black. Then I feel my head bump into something. I'm assuming that's the floor. 

        I wake up on what feels like a table. It's hard and cold with also the feeling of wood. I sit up quickly. Actually, I sit up too quickly . Whenever I get all the way up, my vision becomes blurry and my head begins to hurt. It's probably because I recently got hit in the head with something hard. I realized that I'm in the same classroom that I was in before. Except there's one thing that's different. Tristen and Annie aren't here.

        I don't hear anyone in the halls. I even look out the door window and don't see anyone there. The wall clock is to the right of me and I look at it to see the time. The times reads (exactly) four pm. Well everyone's at home I guess. School ended at three-thirty pm. My parents are probably freaking out right now. I actually don't care since the two of them made the worst impression yesterday during dinner. Is it sad that I'd actually rather be here than at my own house? I kind of understand a little bit now why me and Annie were really close. I hated my parents and she was the closest person I got to having one. 

        Wait no! The hit to my head is making me go insane if I'm thinking of things like that. Annie is freakin' crazy and Tristen is only slightly less crazy than her. I shake my head to try and get the thought out of my head. After that I climb off of the table to stand. Then I walk very quickly towards the door to get out of the room but whenever I attempt to open the door, it wouldn't budge. I am locked in the room.

        I look around the classroom and fortunately there's a large window that I can fit myself through if I open it. I go up to it and it's also locked. Luckily for me I'm able to unlock it and open it up. Once I do, I begin to hear footsteps coming from the hallway. Along with two different voices. A male and a female. Tristen and Annie. 

        Then I quickly punch out the screen on the window but as I'm doing that, I hear the door open. "She's trying to get out!" I hear Tristen say. Then I throw the screen out the window and try to climb out of it. Unfortunately whenever half of my body is out of the window, I feel arms wrap around waist and start to pull me back into the room.

        "Help!" I scream but there aren't any people around so no one could hear me. As more of me gets pulled back into the classroom, my arms reach out to the window seals and I grasp onto them. "Help!" I scream again. I hear footsteps walking towards me and whoever is pulling me and then I feel a cold hand go over my mouth to stop me from screaming. After one big pull, my hands unluckily let go of the window seal and I fall back against the person that was pulling me and as that occurs, I see Annie close and lock the window. So basically, Tristen was the one who was pulling on me. All of the sudden I'm pushed back against the counters and my hands push me slightly forward that way I don't hurt my back.

        "Why are you trying to escape?" Annie, also known as Ms. Alksolof, asks me.

        "Because I'm being held hostage by psychopaths," I answer. 

        "We're not psychopaths, we're just people who love you. And we want to make sure that you feel the same way about us," Annie replies back.

        "Yeah by holding me hostage which will never make me love either of you two," I snap. 

        "Well on the contrary it actually would. You see, the only way we're going to let you go is by you telling the both of us that you love me like how a daughter should love her mother," Annie explained. 

        "And you have to tell me that you're in love with me and you got to prove that as well," Tristen added on. 

        "The two of you can't keep me hostage forever. Eventually my parents would file a missing person report and if either of you try to take me somewhere else to keep me hostage at, there are cameras everywhere in the world now so the police would be able to catch the two of you," I proved to them.

        "See we're already a head of you on all of those. After I knocked you out, we searched you and found your phone. Since you didn't have a password on your phone, it was extremely easy to get into it. To cover up the fact that you wouldn't be home because of us, we texted your mother saying that you tracked down one of your friends and that you'll be at their house. And because we know that people can track phones, we hid you under one of the tables and left the school for a little bit to take my phone, Tristen's phone, and you're phone all back to our homes. Well, yours is at Tristen's but you get what I mean. After that we came back to the school and took care of the cameras by replacing them other ones that don't make us look suspicious whatsoever," Annie explained to me. Wow! They weren't kidding whenever they said that they put a lot of work into this craziness. 

Don't You Forget About MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora