Chapter 10

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        Then Annie continued to explain, "And after that, we came back to find you trying escape through the window." There was silence for a couple of minutes.

        I finally figured out the words to say and replied with, "The two of you are mental. You're going nuts over someone who'll never feel the same way about you. I just don't understand on why the two of you won't let this all go!"

        "Because there's nothing else for us. I've always wanted to be a teacher, and that's what I am. Plus, I've always loved the subject of computer science and that's the subject that I'm teaching. I used to have a daughter, but she died. The only other thing that I've always wanted to be was a parent. I was once, that job got taken away from me and I have to make sure that I get the job again for a lifetime instead of just a few years," Annie explained to me. I kind of understood her actions a little bit more now. The woman just wanted to be parent. But does she realize that instead of doing all of these psychotic actions, she could just adopt a child or become a foster mom.

        "I understand a little bit now. But why did you have to pretty much kidnap me to make yourself become a parent again instead of just going to an orphanage and adopting a child? Or just become a foster parent?" I questioned her.

        "That's the thing though, I can't. Like I said before, whenever I first met you, I thought you were Dakota. You look so much like her and you even act like her. I can't find anyone like that in an orphanage or foster care," she answered.

       "Maybe if you did do that, you'll learn to love other traits in others instead of just the ones that Dakota had," and after I said that, Annie didn't respond. All she did was look down. Then I said to the two of them, "The other thing that I want to know however is why, Tristen couldn't you just tell me the reason why you acted like you hate me was just because you actually had feelings for me? Or better yet, why couldn't you just get over me since all I am to you is a stupid crush anyway? Especially if you knew how it would all lead to."

        "Please! Everyone else here looks at me like I'm a freak. Me and all of the other boys that I hang out with. And then there's you. You used to work so hard to make sure that you were better than me because you knew that there were things that I was better at than you. You would actually care about something that involved me. No other girl here wouldn't dare to be involved with me whatsoever. So because of those actions that you did, it caused me to think that you really were the only one who cared about me. And that caused me to ending up loving you," Tristen answered. 

        So basically Annie's reasons for making everyone lose their memories were nearly the exact same reasons that Tristen had. The only difference is that Annie wanted her daughter back but couldn't and Tristen wanted me to love him the way he loves me but couldn't accept the fact that I didn't.

        I knew I had to respond back to him at some point, so then I suggested, "Maybe you're just only looking at the girls who think you're weird and don't like you. Maybe that's your problem."

        "Tristen started to walk towards me and said, "That's the thing. I-" once he was inches away from me, I scooted about a foot to my left to not be close enough to him where he could grab me and knock me out again. 

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