Chapter 10 Birthday Twins... And Malphas?

Start from the beginning

I smiled at him tilting my head to the side as I looked at him.

"Why were you extremely worried about me?"

"Well, I was only that much worried, because I wanted to make Ramona have to worry less, because she was horrifying when she was worried." Chase lied.

I kissed his cheek as I saw his cheeks turn red as he blushed. He in return kissed my cheek making it my turn to blush.

"So, I heard that your birthday is coming up. Is that true?" Chase questioned.

"Yeah, but I don't celebrate it though." I replied.

The next thing I knew Chase was smiling before he bolted out of the infirmary.

"Chase Davenport, get back here!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry, Amelia." he shouted back making me groan and fall back onto my pillow.


"We are throwing Amelia and Ramona a birthday party!" Chase told me, Bree, and Adam.

"We are not throwing those sisters a birthday party! Remember the birthday you threw for me after my parents got married?" I reminded them.

"Are you really holding grudges, Leo? We told you we were sorry, and we let you have virtual bionics for a few hours." Bree reminded him.

"Yes, I remember, but now that I think about it, I have bionics now, and that seems a little far fetch now, and way less cool and more lame." I explained.

"We're giving them a birthday party. I'll go tell them right now." Chase exclaimed before leaving.


Case, Bree, Amelia, Ramona, Adam, Mr. Davenport, Regina, Henry, and I were standing by the hydro-loop entrance as we waited for the rest of Amelia's and Ramona's family. Suddenly we saw that the hydro-loop has arrived.

"It's here. They're here!" the two sisters squealed.

They were right about one thing, but wrong about the other. The hydro-loop doors opened, and out walked Douglas.

"Douglas, why are you here?" Mr. Davenport asked with some bitterness in is voice.

"Was it wrong of me to have a weekend getaway vacation this weekend?" Douglas wondered.

"Yes." we all answered.

"Why was it wrong?" Douglas asked.

"The bionic kids are inviting their friends' family over for their friends' birthday which happens to be during the weekend." Mr. Davenport explained.

"And you're not welcome, Douglas!" Regina spat.

"Oh, I see you've invited the lovely and gorgeous Regina. How you doing, Gina?" Douglas smoothed.

"I would be doing a lot better if you went into the ocean and drowned in it." Regina stated.

"You still hold a grudge against me?" he questioned.

"How could I not? You turned my daughter into a human guinea pig without my permission!" she shrieked.

"At least, I gave her some more abilities than your stupid magic could ever give her." Douglas retorted.

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