Together At Last (Part 1)

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The problem with Love
Is like seeds Love sprouts everywhere
When all needs are met.

The first day was hard
I found many new things to love.
Anana was lovable.

Anana was my roommate.
That's right. I was her caregiver.
And butler as well.

She will live with you.
Fenix's words floated to my conscious.
"You can have my bed."

My tent was quite small.
A floor cot, a small chair, and lamp.
Nothing significant

Like a little girl.
Her eyes colored with wonder.
My heart skipped one beat.

She doesn't hate this!

Like a big dumb fool
I tripped over my own two feet
"Why does this happen?!"

But when I glanced up
She was making such a happy face.
I melted inside.

Laughing, but no sound came out.
I understood. I understood her grin.

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