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THE three watched me, glaring as I tried to find a way to escape. I looked around me I only saw the vines wrapped around the trees and the wall standing there mocking me. The ground was dusty and no rocks only lifeless grass swaying in the breeze. They just stood there watching each with a different weapon. One was tall and thin, he had brown short hair that covered the top of his face mask which concealed his entire face, he carried 2 pistols with numerous barrels of bullets. Another stood beside him. She was a brunette teen. She was shorter than the boy her eyes were cold watching me from behind her mask which was down to her nose. A metal staff with a blade on the end rested slanted but vertically on her back. A shorter boy stood on the left of the girl. He had blonde hair and scars covered what could be seen of his face. But he carried nothing, how strange to wonder around a dangerous world with no weapons. Again I only had a rusty old knife.
"We just need you to follow us." The tall boy said with a low and ominous voice.
"Why and where?" I objected as he walked closer.
He grabbed my wrist, with instinct prevailing I began to fight back. His grip grew stronger and started to bruise my arm. I stopped struggling worrying if I continued he may shoot me right in the head. His leather gloves glistened in the dim light. His face mask was eerie and untrustworthy. The others started to walk as he dragged me along. Why would they want me? Is this what chesire had warned me about? Where are we going, to my death maybe?
They trudged as if they were being controlled by others. We walked past the trees as they swayed. The purple moon light reflecting off the trees shining down upon the road. The girl turned her head slowly, looking at the taller boy and then the shorter one.
"Shouldn't we at least tell her, Geo" she said softly staring at the taller boy, who was likely named Geo.
" I told you not to say my name around other people, Lavender. And no I don't think we should because to some it's a stupid reason." He said angrily as he held my wrist tighter crunching the bones slowly.
" But Geo, in statistical reasoning most do better actually knowing what they're suppose to do. Also kidnapping...." He stopped there as his voice slowly faded away as the leader's icy glare watched his.
"Fine, you both better stop whining and stop acting like cheery little happy normals."
"We need 4 people to get into the abandoned freak show building. We need something inside the building. But the system is locked shut and the door won't budge. We rigged the system, but it only let's 4 people in now at a time and if you can count we're not four people." He said looking me straight on the eyes with an annoyed tone.
Finally we had reached path that lead to the Freak Show. The Freak Show had closed down. To me it had ridiculed many of the strange people in the world of Wonderland. I had seen ads and commercials about how great it was but my thoughts always triumphed over them. We arrived at the purple shaded building. The bricks had been displaced and the vines and trees choked the roof and walls. Each cut in the door symbolised someone's greedy desires failing to be kept inside. A flier flew in front of me, gingerly I bent down to pick it up ad the tall boy's arm outstretched with mine. It was a shredded red with several pictures covering the front and each edge of the thin paper was tore. It read:
Suddenly his arm yanked me up quickly without caring if it hurt my wrist or not. All he really cared about was getting inside, for what though. Then a green thin beam of light ran over all of us. It scammed every detail, human feature and the humber of people. Quickly the door opened revealing a long wooden corridor. A smokey dusty smell filled the air making me slightly sneeze.
"Morf I don't want her getting away or we won't be able to get out. You go with her and me and Lavender will go get what we need to." He demanded as he started to walk inside as the flickering light buzzed and sent dim rays of light throughout the hall.
Morf nodded as Geo let go of my wrist. I quickly held my wrist as pain shot through the bruises left behind. Finger prints marked with blue and purple covered a thin circle of my wrist. Morf swiftly looked at the bruised lines and sighed a very deep breath. He searched in his pockets and pulled out a white-brown bandage.
"I'm sorry about Geo. He was always like that every since the down fall of Wonderland. All we wanted you for was to open the door and leave. I'm sorry about bringing you onto Geo's plan." He squeaked as he wrapped the bandage around my sore wrist.
We walked inside the long corridor, the wooden walls echoed every sound. Spider webs hung around every corner. Lavender and Geo were no where to be seen he had probably disappeared desperate to succeed at his goal. I and Morf walked around a velvet rope maze past the entrance and into the shallow darkness. Several separate hall ways met us at the beginning they were labeled different things like monsters, even though they weren't very readable. We didn't quite stop to speak about which one. Morf and I just chose one. We started to walk past portraits of strange people with no heads and creepy twins staring from inside the photo. The floor boards creaked and dust soared in the air infecting every breath I took. Now I don't think I'm really on danger just wasting time. Then I saw something that would change my whole journey and thoughts about people. Who would do this? I thought I would never have to see this person again. Why would they do this?


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