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But you don't wanna be high like me
Never really knowing why like me
You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone
-Mike Posner

It's evening on November 8th.
Chill as shit. I was trudging slowly to school, freezing as fuck. Mum wouldn't let me take the car or even let me out for my concert at school, as I was grounded, so I sneaked out.

More the reason why I caught a cold now, my band and I just finished our songs, Tyler our bass hosted a party at his place and they all are headed there. I am left behind as mum must be having a fit right now and if I am more late than I am, she might just skip dinner. As she did so last time.
I packed my equipments in my bag and rushed out in my black hoodie. Apparently it's raining, which also means colder weather. I cursed out loud. I am walking out and just earlier on my way out I heard a few girls behind me at the shedded school entrance saying, 'Where the hell did she go? She must be in the library or something? Another one said,'.... Has enough foresight to just walk out in the rain as it might just cost her heal..'
I didn't listen no more in that I got further from them. The icy cold water droplets dripped on my cotton hoodie, causing to freeze me. I didn't mind the rain much though, I was used to this, I had been used to doing this 'run ever since a kiddo.

Minutes passed, and I scurried with cold steps on my way. Passing an opening between two houses, next to the pavement, a dark figure clamped down with folded arms on the ledges in-between, sat quietly, covering the head.
A sneeze got out from me, and the person's head turned to the side, revealing the face that happened to be a girl's. The face looked sort of familiar really, perhaps I saw her at the concert.

'Erm, did I disrupt you.. miss?' I say then realized how wrong that must have sounded.

She shook her head and dumped it between her knees clumsily and few seconds later got it up again. She turned to my side, put her legs on the ground and stood up. She stopped staring at me blankly after half a minute when I interrupted her stance by asking her how's she been feeling?
She let out a gasp and nodded.

'Though I must say you seem like you're all chilled up, you gotta go home now or you might catch a cold.'

'I think you need to go home more than I do.' she reply shortly.

What? Ahh, nice conscience of her, I mused. Rather unusual of the girls "in rain" stereotypes. It annoyed me a bit though. However is that how you observe a person?

'Umm.. Ah! I remember you were the lass at the concert having a barney with.. mm maybe your boyfriend.. What? Was it he or you who..'
She gave me an irked look and glared.

'Oh well, don't you go thinking that I might as well care! You might as well sit here forever of you would like. '

She walked right past me with her arms folded across her shoulders, declaring cold.
She emitted a dainty look at this moment, but I felt some strength within her. When I looked back at the ledges where she floped, something glistened among the dripping rain. It was a silver necklace with a heart shaped pendant. It had initials P. L carved upon. I called out to her but she was already out of sight. I left it in my pocket as it would be precious, to me also, and as well a huge forfeiture of money if was stolen.

Returning home I found myself to be pretty much correct. Mom's fudging pissed and just gave me a reprimand about how disobedient I have been and that I won't get both supper and breakfast. I also found a warning of how my everyday meals will be crossed out for the days to come, if this attitude goes on. Not much luck was going to knock in my way for a while now, that's for sure. I trudged my way up my room, shut the door and as i pulled off my hoodie the necklace came falling out. As I picked it and thumped myself on the bed, the phone began to buzz.

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