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"Step one, you say, "We need to talk."
He walks, you say, "Sit down. It's just a talk."
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came"
-The Fray


It's November 8th
The weather's marshy and chill. The stone pavement is icy, the trees are frozen, and I was walking my way home. The windows I passed were frostbitten, mountains of snow heaped on cars that parked on roads. Breath exhaled was fog, my boots wouldn't move easily as they felt heavy.
My exams were getting closer and nearly nothing's prepared if only I wouldn't let my guard down transiently. Why, I wonder, I had to kneel to the falsehood? I stopped walking now, gazing at the little snowflakes on the stones. If I were as cold as that, maybe it wouldn't be necessary to be capable of feeling.

When I got home and checked my phone, I discovered three calls from Sasha, my best friend. Calling back I heard an agitated voice, that had to be hers. She was yelling at me for not receiving her calls, I simply answered that I didn't bring it to school. There was no lie in it. Alex has been calling so many a times leaving it home was the only option I had.

Sasha says, 'Look, I know you're upset and going around in circles. But I'm your best friend and you can't shut me out. I won't let you! And I have something in mind.'

I told her she wasn't being shut out and I can't go anywhere or do her any favor because exams are coming up just next month.

I say, 'I suggest you start studying as well. It would be embarrassing to hang with my friend who learned absolutely nothing from me.'

'Oh please! Then don't care to hang with me, in that case. Anyways, we will bring that up later. So, listen! Have you heard about that new pop band which recently has formed at school ? The boys there are so cute, Alex will pop outta your brains when you have checked 'em out! And the great news is, by permission from the school authorities, they and a few other bands have decided to host a seasonal concert. And guess what? It's this evening! And the songs are gonna be wholly I mean originally freaking theirs!'

'That's totally wrong grammar and I, for sure don't need concerts just as much as you aren't conscious of your education. '

'You're being such a bitch right now, but I am going to sidestep that and ask you one more time nicely to come to this concert. Even just for thirty minutes. It's going to be "lit", oh I swear to God!'

'I can't, I am sorry. I have to study, I just do, and I'm heading to the library after you cease to talk.'

'Sorry??? What? How dare–, there came a long pause,' Wait... Ahh! I'm going to the concert in just a few minutes right after I cease to talk. And since you don't want to come, I won't force you anymore. And since the library is pretty far from your place maybe I can drop you.'

'That's rather nice of you... But not really needed. I will manage, I will take my bicycle...'

'Excuse me?? Who am I talking to? Do you hear yourself or do you take me as an idiot just because I don't burrow my head into books like you do?!You're going to ride your cranky old bicycle in these freaking icy roads! I dare you to do that! And if you get into any type of accident and die because of your weak soul, I will be held responsible for all your insanity for the rest of my life. So you have to let me drop you off, it's the least you can do.'

'Why do I know you?... Fine then come. I'll be ready when you are.'

'Perfect! Bye.'

It seemed as if all my spirit got penetrated every time I argued with her...

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