The Trip to Diagon Alley

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I own nothing in "Harry Potter". If I did, I would not be here, but I would be making out with Draco Malfoy. All I own is my characters and the main plot of the story.


Emily's P.O.V. 

   June 16th

   "I told you to be up by 8:00! How could you sleep in till 8:48?" Hermione hollered when she walked in my room.

    Groaning, I sat up and replied "I didn't have to take a shower. I took one last night."

    "Well, get up. Now!" She came over to my bed and flipped me out on the floor. 

    "Damn, she's demanding..." I grumbled as I walked to my closet. 

    Throwing on a my flowy pink and cream lace shirt and some light high-waisted shorts, I put on my favorite tie-up shoes and went to brush my hair. I grabbed my hair and threw threw it up in a half-ponytail. I put a little bow in it to make it look cute.
I don't like makeup, so no need for that.

       Looking in the mirror and deciding it was the best I could do. I grabbed my cream and brown knapsack. This had all of my money, notebooks, and pens in it. If I lost this, I would die...

    "Hurry up, Emily, or we'll leave you!" Hermione yelled from downstairs.

    I knew that Hermione was not joking by any means, so I ran down the stairs and into the living room, accidentally bumping into her when I did so. 

   "Merlin, hurry up! It's 9:05! Let's go!" She nagged.

   "I am, Hermione. God, stop pushing me!" She had her arm around my abdomen, pushing me outside. 

    I hate pushy people. Hermione knows this and yet, she still loves to annoy me. 

    When we finally made it out to my family's old car, we hopped in and begun our journey for Leadenhall Market.

   As time passed, I realized that I was very excited to see this amazing place. I had never really seen magic before, besides what Hermione did when she was younger. Maybe I could even buy some things from  shops! I hope Hermione won't be uptight about everything though...   

   For thirty minutes all I had to do was look out a window and year Hermione talk about her new life.

   After about twenty minutes, my eyes started to droop, only to be instantly woken up be Hermione. 

   "Aren't you excited? You get to witness magic today!" She practically screamed.

   Wow, was Hermione actually trying to be nice to me? That's a first...

   Looking at her in bewilderment, I smiled back and answered, "Yes, I really am. Do you think I could possibly buy something today?" giving her my famous puppy dog eyes.

    She looked as though she was debating on whether or not to let me, but she finally said, "I guess it couldn't hurt. I'll have to give you a few of my galleons, sickles, and knuts though. They do not take muggle money in Diagon Alley. Also, I must warn you about something."

  I nodded for her to continue. "Not all wizards are good. Some are evil. I need to warn you to stay on the main street of Diagon Alley. Do not go wondering around near a street called 'Knockturn Alley'. The witches and wizards down there aren't good. The people down there... they don't take too kindly to muggles, or even muggle-born witches. When one goes down there, it is because of something bad. There are cursed, evil objects down there that can kill you, so I suggest you stay away from down there."

   Suddenly scared out of my mind, I just numbly nodded my head. I couldn't believe things like that actually existed. I just hope I don't accidentally wonder down the pathway to that evil place... What was the name again? Oh, nevermind, I'll remember it later.


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