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Lights flickered off and on as the party proceeded. College parties were always lit, at least to Kim Taehyung, who was indeed the party master. His newly dyed blonde hair was ruffled and crazy, fluffed to no end. His clothes were baggy, how he liked it. He wore fitted skinny jeans, then a t-shirt. He had a look that only he could pull off. If anyone else tried to dress like Taehyung, they'd look like a complete idiot. Taehyung held a drink in his hand, a miraculous substance inside of a red solo cup. His best friend, Park Jimin, was beside him. His own cheeks were flushed as he held onto Taehyung's shoulder, trying to keep steady in his drunken state.

Taehyung kept giggling and laughing at his friend, trying to keep up right himself. Finally, the two males walked over to the side, plopping down onto a couch. Taehyung reached over to the table beside them and filled their drinks, chugging down half of his cup.

"Thanks, bro." Jimin spoke out, taking a sip out of his cup.

"Is that a bromotion?" Taehyung asked, beginning to sweat nervously at his own terrible joke.

"Brobably..." Jimin replied.

Both of the males cracked up in laughter, their drinks spilling out of their mouths and cups. Many of the other partners stared at them in question, others just rolling their eyes, used to the behavior of the two.

Taehyung and Jimin carried in with their partying, both almost passed out as they tried their best to dance. Jimin was doing a better job then Taehyung was. Jimin ended up having his jacket off, Taehyung wearing it over his head, his drunken mind having him think it was going to rain, inside.

"I'm gonna fuck the next person that walks through that door," Taehyung spoke, glancing at Jimin while pointing to a certain door he's been eyeing.

He chose that door in particular, having been watching it. While sitting there drunk, he's noticed a boy walking in and out. The male was tall, probably as tall as Taehyung. But his body was built, even drunk Tae could tell. His dark locks fall over his eyes, and when he laughed at his friend, or smiled, his bunny teeth would show. Taehyung knew him from school. His name was Jeon Jungkook.

Just as the door opened again, he held his breath. He wanted it to be Jungkook who walked through the door, and to his luck, it was. Taehyung stood up straighter and pointed his finger to Jungkook.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard!" He exclaimed.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked at Taehyung before backing up into the door, making his escape from the drunk Taehyung. Jimin was hysterically laughing behind him, trying to catch his breath. Taehyung ignored it, his legs moving as he made his way to the door that was still slowly closing. He tried to walk as quickly as he could with his body staggering about.

He flew the door open, walking as he looked around. Many people stared at his sweaty form as he was only looking for one person. Jeon Jungkook. Once his eyes landed in the bunny boy, he staggered forward, coming close to the boy who watched. Half way there, he paused. His hand clasped onto the closest furniture as he took in a deep breath.

His head rolled up as he looked to Jungkook, "Can I have your number?" Taehyung asked.

Before Jungkook could even answer, Taehyung hurled. Every substance that he consumed that night was leaving his system, and it wasn't very pleasant to see.


Taehyung smiled down at his hand as he noticed the number that was written on his hand, a little message written under it.

'Since you asked so nicely for my number, even after scaring me... here it is. Text me sometime, xxx-xxx-xxxx
-Jeon Jungkook'

His smile only grew as he read the message before looking around, noticing that he was home. He looked around in confusion before noticing that Jimin was sleeping next to him. He nodded his head as he clicked everything together.

He looked beside him as he noticed a glass of water, he must of put it there earlier in the night as a reminder to himself, as he knew he'd need it later. Next to the glass, his phone was laying. He quickly picked it up, entering the number he received into the phone.

TH: Hey, this is the guy you gave your number to. My name is Taehyung btw, but my friends call me Tae!

Taehyung waited patiently for the male to answer the text he gave, but in the mean time he decided to take care of himself, drinking the water that was presented to him. Then he got up to take a shower.


Taehyung laughed as he continued to message Jungkook, having it been weeks now that they've been messaging.

JK: Ughhhhhhh, I'm so ugly!!

TH: Ur Cute

TH: U fucking bitch

JK: Don't lie :'( All my clothes are looking bad on me at the moment.

TH: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

TH: Not this again!!

TH: You look fine in all of your clothes

JK: Oh, right, cuz you were gonna fuck me so hard last we saw each other, right?

TH: I can't...

TH: I can't believe you actually remembered that

JK: Of course I remembered, I thought I was going to get raped

TH: I was intoxicated! It wasn't my fault!

JK: Was too your fault!

TH: Then why'd you give me your number?

Taehyung stared down at his phone nervously as he waited for an answer from the cute male he was texting. He took a sip of his drink as he waited. He stared at his phone as if he expected it to go quicker if he stared. Then it buzzed.

JK: Don't people give their numbers to cute people who ask?


Taehyung nervously clawed through his hair, his anxiety raising up in his chest as he waited at the park, sorted at a park bench. Today he was meeting Jeon Jungkook, and he was hoping to confess to the male. Having not have seen him since the moment he spoke he was going to have sex with him, he was nervous to how the Jungkook would react when he noticed him. Or even hears his confession.

He took in deep breaths as he tried to calm himself, soothing down his nervousness. He could feel his heart pumping rapidly in his chest as he looked around more in an anxious manor.

He shut his eyes for a moment, filling his lungs with air was he tried to calm himself. Then he felt a pressure beside him, his insides went crazy. He opened his eyes and looked over, staring right over at Jungkook as he smiled. Taehyung returned his smile as the two began to talk and was entranced with each other, as if they had always been friends.


Taehyung looked over at Jungkook before the two had to go their separate ways from the park, each having their own things to do at home. Taehyung prepared himself, knowing it was now or never.

"Hey.... Umm, Jungkook?" He spoke.

"Yeah?" The said males spoke, tilting his head in question as he turned to look at Taehyung.

"Do you happen to be dating anyone?" Taehyung asked.

"Are you kidding me? My love life is a mess!" Jungkook let out a sigh and hung his head.

"Well, I am a mess. Can I be your love life?"

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