Why do I have to go to school?

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Okay so I decided to write a new fanfic that isn't like any other Pertemis stories cause I think that Percy being the guardian of the hunt is being over used.

Percy PoV

"Percy I'm sorry I really am but we have to break up, it's nothing personal I just need a break from any relationships right now. I'm sorry."
"So you're going to go to collage early and thought that breaking up with me is easier than staying away from me?"
"I'm sorry Percy but I might meet someone there and I don't want to be held back by still going out with you."
Annabeth said as she started to cry.
"Okay then. I guess I'll see you next year."
"Perce can we still be friends I don't want to loose my friendship with you?"
"I guess." I said as I left camp so that I could stay with my mother.

~30 minutes later~

"Mom, I'm home." I called out to my mother.
"Percy, my baby boy. Ready for your last year at high school? I thought you weren't coming for another week."
"Yeah well I thought I'd come early so I can spend more time with you."
"What about spending your last week with Annabeth?"
"She broke up with me. Earlier today. We're still going to be friends, but as she's going to collage early she wanted the option of dating while she's there."
"My poor baby." She said to me as I started to cry. I hugged her and cried into her shoulder for about half an hour before Paul came through the door.
"Sally I'm home. Percy!" He said joyfully before realising that I had been crying. "What's wrong my boy?"
"Um... Annabeth, she broke up with me. I decided to come here a week early. I'm sorry if I disturbed anything."
"No it's fine, isn't it Paul?"
"Absolutely smashing. Percy come talk to me in the spare room while your mom goes and puts the groceries away." Paul said handing mom the groceries and whispering something to her. She nodded and walked into the kitchen. "Come along."
We walked into the spare bedroom and Paul sat on the bed. I stood in the door way and lent against the frame. I gave him my trouble maker smile.
"So what are you going to get my mother for her birthday?" I asked.
"I'm going to take her out the the Hawaiian islands for a long weekend. I thought it would be a nice break for her. What do you think?"
"I think that she will absolutely love it."
"I expect that we can trust you with not burning the apartment building down and not completely destroying the place. Correct?"
"Um, yeah, correct."
"Good, now what are you getting your mother?"
"Already got it."
"What is 'it'?"
"'it' is a necklace." I am very proud of the expensive necklace I had got my mom. "And a very nice one at that."
"I'm glad that you're treating your mom nicely."
"I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm going to go out. Is that alright?"
"Sure Percy, be back by dinner."
"I will."

I left the apartment and went to Starbucks. I love their coffee but it's even better when they put a necter shot in it.

After paying I went to central park for a nice walk. Maybe I could talk to some nature spirits.

I walked along the path and saw a flash of silver. The hunters of Artemis. I smiled and continued to walk until I was confronted by my favourite Goddess. Artemis.
"Hello Lady Artemis, how are you?" I said bowing.
"Stand up Perseus. No need for formalities. You're my friend."
"Yes MiLady. So how are you?"
"Very good, how about you?"
"I'm okay, I guess."
"What is wrong Percy?"
"Um, Annabeth broke up with me. Other than that I start my last year of high school in two weeks."
"I'm terribly sorry Percy." Artemis replied, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged back. I terribly needed a hug from a friend.
"Don't be it's not your fault."
"In that case, get away from my hunters camp. You're a male and are way to close for my liking."
"Is Thalia there? Is she okay?"
"Oh look, you actually care for a girl." She said jokingly. "Anyway yeah, she's fine and yes she is there but you can't see her."
"Okay, see you round."
"Yeah, bye Percy."
"Bye bye Moon Beam." I ran back in the direction I'd come. It was nearly dinner time. I sprinted the whole way home.

I opened the door.
"I'm home." I called.
"Good dinners about to be served."

Artemis PoV

After Percy left I went back to my camp, feeling better. He is no longer with Annabeth. YES! I love that little nickname he gave me - Moon Beam -even though I will never admit it. Not to anyone.

My thoughts ran wild as I entered my tent.
"Moon Beam." I whispered and smiled to myself.
As soon as I sat down my father called an Olympian meeting.
"Ugh." I left my tent just as Thalia came walking past. "Thalia, father called a meeting. I'll be back in an hour. I want everyone at the dinning pavilion by the time I get back.
"Yes MiLady, so it will be. What shall we do until then?"
"Archery practice, umm, deals. That sort of stuff. No hunts."
"Yes MiLady." I flashed away to Olympus and arrived outside the throne room. I thought that a dramatic entrance was needed for once so I pushed the doors with full force, making them smash against the wall, as I did that I created silver smoke all around me. I took a few steps forward and the smoke dispersed.
"What in the name of uncle Hades was that sis?" Apollo questioned.
"Right here you know."
"Um, I felt like making a dramatic entrance because I never do. Uh, honestly that's it." I replied walking gently to my throne.
"Anyway, it's come to my attention that Artemis you've never been to school at all. Correct?" My father asked.
"Correct and I don't intend to go."
"This also means that you've never had a proper education." Realisation smacked me around the face. "And you need one."
"Athena can teach me. Right Athena?"
"Um father forbids it. I'm sorry."
"And also you need to get used to being around boys, you can't avoid them forever."
"What?!" I screamed.
"You have one day to decide which school you'll go to and it has to be a mixed gendered school."
"But... what of my hunters?"
"They will spend the year at Camp Half Blood. Counsel dismissed." Everyone flashed out but I still had twenty minutes until I was to be back with my hunters, what to do?
Well I have to report which school I am to go to, to father tomorrow afternoon. I should start looking. Perhaps I should ask Percy about his school because then at least I know Percy. Yeah I'll do that.
I flashed to Percy's apartment and knocked on the door. A middle aged woman opened the door.
"Hello? What do you need dear? Can I help you?"
"Um, yeah. I'd like to speak to Percy."
"I'm sorry, he's unable to speak right now he's going through something."
"Well could you tell him that I was here? And ask him if he could meet me at central parks north entrance at 10 o clock tomorrow morning? That would be excellent. Thanks."
"Yes of course but who should I tell him you are? Who does he know you as?
"Moon Beam."
"Moon Beam?"
"He'll know." I walked away after thanking her. 5 minutes to be back to the hunt. I started down the stairs when a hand grabbed my arm. It felt strong and make like. Obviously, I being the man hating goddess I am, elbowed whoever it was in the stomach and then spun around.
"Percy? Oh God's I'm sooo sorry."
"It's okay. My mom said that you needed to talk."
"Yeah uh, what school do you go to?"
"Goode high. Why is this relevant Moon Beam?
"Because my father is sending me to a multi gendered school of my choice. I want to be with you."
"Oh, okay? Why me?"
"Because you're my friend Percy, anymore stupid questions? And also, you're the only descent male left and I was hoping that you would help me."
"I'd be honoured."
"Thanks, you really are a loyal friend." I said hugging him. He hugged me back.
"That's because you're awesome. Wouldn't do it for anyone else."
"I've got to go." I said sadly I to his chest and flashed away.

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