chapter 13

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<pre style="line-height: normal; text-align: start; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">Thanks to my editor Albert and helper sat8997 This chapter matches the song Cold Hearted by Zac Brown, it's a sad but good song. The sound of snapping fingers brought me back from the darkness, but I still didn't open my eyes, not until I felt a sting on my cheek. Austin came into view, at first I thought he looked worried but it must have been my imagination, because his features turned into a sneer. He didn't even give me a chance to sit up before voicing his thoughts.

"Get out!" I sniffled and slowly got to my feet, I gave him one last hurtful glance before stumbling out of his house. It didn't take long for me to break down on his sidewalk; I couldn't believe years of friendship had just ended. My hands shook as I dug out my cell phone to call Robbie, it didn't take him long to answer.

"Hello?" His gruff, deep, sexy voice answered. I tried to keep myself from crying so he wouldn't fret, but I just couldn't hold it in.

"Rob--" I said before letting out a painful sob, along with a hiccup.

"Wade!? What's wrong?" he shouted. I pulled the phone away from my ear as I continued to walk back to my house.

"No need to yell Robbie," I said, trying to lighten the situation. He took a deep breath before talking again.

"Tell me what happened, is it Cody?" I shook my head, as if he could see me right now.

"No, can you meet me at my place? I don't think I can handle being alone right now, and when you get there I'll explain everything." We said 'I love you' to one another as I walked into the front door and finding Dane there, I hurried and wiped away my tears. Dane looked over the back of the couch from the football game he was watching and gave me a worried glance. Was I that easy to read?

"Hey bud you look like our Aunt Suzanne died."

"We don't have an Aunt Suzanne, Dane." He smirked which caused me to laugh.

"I know. So what's going on? Did you and Austin have a fight or something?" I frowned at the mention of his name and nodded. Dane held his arms out to me, and I gladly entered his embrace and the moment I hit his chest, the feeling of love washed over me, causing more tears to fall from my eyes.

"It must have been pretty bad huh?"</pre>

<pre style="line-height: normal; text-align: start; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;"> "I came out to him." I looked up, and a look of surprise showed in his eyes, he wasn't expecting that news.

"Ah, and he didn't take it well?" Understanding replaced shock, and he held me tighter in his arms.

"He called me a fag and told me to get out. See, Shelly told me he would understand but I knew he wouldn't, I just... had hope I guess." I hadn't even finished my sentence when a loud knock pounded on the door.

"Stay here," he whispered. Shit! He thought it was Austin. I jumped up off the couch but didn't get to the door in time. Robbie and Dane stood face to face, Dane had a look of confusion, while Robbie looked pissed.

"Who are you?" Dane asked sounding suspicious, and I didn't blame him. My imagination is always running away with crazy ideas. For example, what would Austin do now that he knew my secret?

"Um... Robbie, I'm a friend of Wade's." I locked eyes with Rob, he softened his facial features, and they became less stressed. Dane turned his attention toward me which caused me to break the staring contest.

"Is this true?" I knew what he was asking, and I raised my eyebrows, that question meant a whole other ball game. What he really wanted to know was if this was my boyfriend, I confirmed with a look that said, 'yes but don't say anything'. He seemed to understand and let Robbie in.

"We're going to be in my room," I said and started up the stairs, but not before I heard the most embarrassing thing ever.

"Leave your door open!" I grumbled 'douche bag' before throwing myself at Robbie. The movement caught him off guard so we both landed on my bed with him on the bottom.

"Wade, he doesn't know about me right?" My jaw dropped; did he really just ask me that question?

"No! I wouldn't out you like that, he knows I'm gay so he's just being protective. Do you really think I'd hurt you that way?" Robbie looked as if he were trying to calm his temper down. He better, because I didn't need this right now.

"Sorry but I can't let anybody know just yet...So tell me what happened." I told him everything except my falling down the stairs. It would cause unnecessary trouble between the group and I didn't want to be the cause of friction. After the discussion his expression was angry as he shook his head in confusion.

"I don't get what the big deal is, I mean it seems like a waste to end years of friendship all over...being gay. It doesn't make sense to me how parents raise a kid from birth, but then kick them out later because of being gay. I would understand if the kid is doing drugs, getting into trouble with the law, but this seems so small compared to other things." I shook my head; I didn't understand Austin's thinking. In all the years we slept at each other's house, I never put the moves on him. Maybe if he would give me the chance to explain that I, in fact didn't have a crush on him, he would be a little more accepting? I just had to find a way for him to forgive me.


On Tuesday morning, I had Dane give me a ride to school since I knew at the moment, Austin wanted nothing to do with me. It hurt, knowing he was treating me as if I were a walking disease; did he really want this friendship to end? I was pulled out of my hazy thoughts when Dane tapped my jiggling knee.

"Hey if you have any trouble today, call me OK?" I shook my head as the school came into view, a bad feeling entered my gut but I couldn't let fear keep me from my education. I climbed out of the car while searching my group of friends, but instead I found Melissa, staring right at me from across the court yard with a scared expression. She jogged over, held my arms in place and looked me right in the eyes.

"Be careful today Wade, there's rumors going around saying you're gay, and I heard some guys wanting you to...never mind that, just watch yourself."

Her words shook me to the core, what did the guys want to do to me? I walked into the school building, feeling eyes on me from every direction. What was going on? How could people possibly know my secret? They couldn't! These guys are tough, full on cowboys who don't feel any remorse for beating bulls with a rope, so why on earth would they spare a guy like me? I walked into the cafeteria, and my eyes instantly landed on my boyfriend. He looked as if he could die the moment he saw me, and it broke my heart. I reached deep into the depths of my soul in order to march up to my friends. Austin wasn't in sight.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I asked watching his face turn into a blank expression and his tone sound emotionless.

"Sorry...I don't speak to fags." My mouth hung open, I couldn't believe my ears and this...I had to call Dane. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shelly walking up and turned in time to see her smack the living daylight out of him.

"You Robert are a pig and right now I can't stand the sight of you." She dragged me off but not before I could see the shocked looks on Cindy and Joe's faces and the crestfallen features Robbie had plastered all over his. I didn't care though; he had just shattered my heart into a million pieces, so he was ashamed of me? Fine, I understand that you don't want to be labeled as gay but did he have to treat me so cruelly?

Whatever relationship we had, he just ended it with a dagger stabbed in my back and no amount of 'sorry' would fix anything. I walked out of that school that day with Shelly being my only true friend, forget the rest. </pre>

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