chapter 14

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<pre style="line-height: normal; text-align: start; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">Enjoy It's been a couple of weeks since the news escalated about me being gay. Everybody in school knows now, and Robbie decided to get a girlfriend. Her name is Savannah. She has dark, tan skin with baby blue eyes, and dark brown hair.

The group split up, and now, at my table, it's just Shelly and me. Cindy and Joe sat with Austin, Robbie, and Savannah. Cody sits with his football buddies and ignores the group completely, well, except for me. His hazel green eyes follow my every move when nobody else is watching him. Now that Robbie and I have officially broken up, I no longer feel threatened by him. If he tells my parents, so what? Dane is currently putting money down on a two bedroom apartment not far from here, and I plan to move in with him. After that, I don't care how my parents find out, as long as I have a safe place to stay.

Melinda and I are closer, almost every weekend we sit in her room, eating rocky road ice cream and watching One Girl and Five Gays. Dad? We haven't seen him in three weeks. No phone call, no nothing, and Mom is getting depressed because of it. She's still on mom duty, but once a certain chore is done, like making dinner, she sits in her room for the rest of the evening. It makes me want to kick Dad's ass and cuddle Mom, but in reality, I couldn't do either because I would end up with a red butt and need to be cuddled with too. I just had this burning feeling deep inside telling me that it was all my fault. If I hadn't come out to Austin, the group wouldn't have been split up.

I think to myself, am I such a disappointment to Dad that he needs to stay as far away from home as possible?' Dad would have been home in a split second if he knew Dane was home, so all the fingers were pointing in my direction in the moment. I was just walking to the last period of the day, with my head hung low, when I ran into what seemed like a brick wall, but I knew it wasn't, It was a person

"Hey, fag, watch where you're going!" the deep voice of Austin spoke, and laughter followed soon after. I had landed on the ground, and I looked up with widened eyes as Aaron stood next to my ex-best friend. What the hell was this?! I stood up and dusted off my pants. I no longer felt a sense of loss when it came to Austin. He just turned the feeling into rage. Before I had a chance to say anything, he invited another chance to pick on me.

"Cody, man, you want to help us teach this little cock sucker a lesson?" I shook my head in disbelief at the length that Austin would go to take his hate out on me. We used to be best friends, since we were toddler for freaking sakes! To my utter and complete shock, Cody walked right up in Austin's face and punched him right in the nose with the strongest swing I've ever seen.

"You're a piece of shit, and I know I'm no better, but you don't ditch friends," he spat in his face before walking off, not even glancing back in my direction. My mouth lolled open, but it soon closed again when Aaron turned his attention back to me, saying, "You better watch your back Dayton."

The bell rang, signaling we were late for class, so I hurried and sprinted to my destination, arriving just in time to walk with the other tardy students. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Why did Cody defend me? I didn't understand that situation at all. It's funny, because I really didn't have a problem with the other students.

The guys avoided me like the plague, and the girls didn't seem to have a thing to say, so it was really just Austin and Aaron. I had already figured it was Austin that had spilled the beans about my sexuality. He probably called Aaron, who, in turn called God knows who. Now, apparently, the two boys had hit it off. I think their secretly butt buddies, but maybe it's just my perverted imagination.

Dane picked me up at the end of the day, and as usual the ride home was silent, I think it's because we literally have nothing in common. I love books, he loves football. I fantasize about men, he dates women. The silence is comfortable though, which I appreciate, because who wants to feel uncomfortable with their own brother? However, when we pulled up in our driveway, Dad's 2007, red Sudan sat in Dane's spot. I don't know why, but my heart started pounding like crazy. Why was he here out of the blue so suddenly? We looked at one another before opening up the doors and walking towards the house.

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