chapter 9

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I didn't get much sleep that night with the questions and concerns that chased their way around my brain. Should I tell Robbie or should I keep quiet? What was Dane going to do to Cody? How was Melinda going to cope with all the news? I couldn't answer of them, couldn't even start to figure it out. At about three in the morning I finally fell asleep, and it felt as if five minutes later the sun was shining in my face and the alarm was buzzing in my ear.

I slammed my fist down on the alarm clock and groaned, wanting to go back to sleep. I didn't get much of a chance to fully wake up before the door burst open, and Austin and Dane flew in, tackling me in my bed. This, however, was not the morning to mess with me.

"Fucking hell! Guys, get off of me!" I screamed so loud that even my ears rang. They stopped in their place and lay down next to me.

"Why are you being such a fag lately? You on your period or something?" I looked over at Dane, who first looked at Austin and then to me. I tried to let him know with my eyes that I was okay with Austin's language. After so many years of hearing 'fag this' and 'fag that' and so on I've learned not to let it get to me. Dane nodded in understanding, and I flipped the blanket back and sat up

. "I'm fine Austin. I just don't like being tackled. In fact, that's one of the reasons I don't play football." Austin rolled his eyes and moved out of the way, letting me stumble my way to the bathroom.

"Dane, man, it's good to see you back in town. Are you staying?" I heard Austin ask my brother.

"I'm looking to stay for good, at least for now. College just isn't for me. So I'm searching for a job and going to use the rest of my college money for an apartment in town." I came back in after my duty in the bathroom and started searching for an outfit.

"What kind of apartment are you looking for?" I asked, grabbing a pair of black jeans and a pair of socks.

"I'd like an apartment with at least two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen, and a living room. That's all I need," Dane said with a shrug.

"Hey, I've been trying to call you. Where have you been?" Austin asked me before I had a chance to comment on Dane's statement. I didn't have an answer for that because he knows I don't go anywhere so once again I lied.

"I haven't been feeling too good is all." Not meeting his eyes.

"Is that why you've been acting all weird lately?" I just nodded as I sat down next to Dane and slipped on my socks and tied my shoes.

"Ready to go?" Austin asked as he motioned to the door.

"Yeah. Bye Dane." I said and Dane gave me a one armed hug.

"Bye Austin. Bye baby bro." Before we stopped at Candy's house Austin turned the radio down and started talking to me.

"Two of my cousins are coming down this Friday and I may have a blind date for you." I got hardly any sleep last night, had decisions to make that will alter my life, and now Austin gives me this shit. I was totally not in the mood.

"Austin, I will find a girl when I'm ready, and right now I'm just not ready!" He gives me a dirty look before turning his attention back to the road.

"This date will get you used to the idea of going out with and how to talk to girls. It's not like she's going to become your girlfriend or anything like that. It's just a dinner and a movie. There is no need to get worked up over it." Austin had me clenching my fists tightly. I wasn't in the mood for this.

"I said no! I don't want it, and I'm not going." I said, folding my arms feeling as grumpy as ever.

"OK, OK! You don't have to be a little fag about it." He said, pulling up outside Candy's house. That was the proverbial last straw; I was already seething and I just blew up. "Quit calling me that!" I bellowed and got in the back seat to let Candy in the passenger side. Austin gave me a strange look in the rear view mirror, but I didn't care. He had no right to set me up on a blind date if I didn't want it.

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