Chapter 5: Not a Date

Start from the beginning

"Just don't OK." he sounded stern, then hung up.

Clark came home around 12;00 "Nice date?" I asked coming down the stairs.

"you could say that." he laughed.

"A little late for a human, don't you think?" he smiled.

"I brought her home at 10, I went hunting after."

"oh, so it was that kind of date." I smiled impishly and tried not to bother my parents upstairs with my laughter.

"It was not the kind of date your dirty mind is thinking up Clara, I'm sure." he said defensively.

"Did you kiss her," my brother turned away, but not before i caught the smile on his lips "you did, didn't you?" He just continued to smile. "your just lucky it's Friday and the poor girl can get her homework done tomorrow."

"When do I get to meet this 'poor girl' Clark?" Amanda said coming down the stairs. She was wearing a long gold-colored nightgown, it matched her freshly fed eyes perfectly.

"I don't know, not yet." he said "I don't even know if it's serious." he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Well, if it's not you have plenty of time to find the real thing." my mom said wrapping him in her arms "Still let's hope for the best." Clark has had relationships before, but none have worked out very well, It's to bad really.

"Any luck with Danny?" Clark asked, trying to change the subject.

Amanda turned to look at me "Who's Danny, Clara?" If i could've blushed I would've.

"He's a friend from school, I can't believe I never told you about him."

"Well you didn't, so spill young lady." she said directing me to our living room, a pastel paradise. The light colored walls, along with black and white furniture made you feel like you were in a magazine, especially with the little details, and the fact that it was spotless.

"He's on the school newspaper, and is probably going to be valedictorian," I shrugged "I've called him once of twice, and he seems nice enough."

"Clara Whitlock  Ó Dálaigh , there's something you're not telling me." she pushed me onto the black leather couch before crossing her arms.

"I talked to him earlier, but there's something different about him... he's changed somehow," I sighed "I don't like it." she pulled my chin up to force me to look at her.

"Un clou chasse l'autre, my dear he will figure out who he is eventually until then just see what happens." I loved when she spoke french, it reminded me of who she was before she was a vampire.

Amanda used to live in Paris, France. She was a nurse a hospital there until her and her husband  traveled to America. She stayed in Colonial America even though two years later her husband succumbed to a mysterious disease that swept through the colony. She eventually became Ill to, but was turned by another colonist after seeing how much she wanted to live. She said he was a kind older man, but made to many mistakes with the Volturi.

When I thought it was late enough in the morning I called Danny telling him to meet me at my car at the local Diner, Danny only lives about two miles out of town so I knew driving wouldn't be needed. I sat in the bed of my truck waiting for him, I was surprised by what I saw.

Danny had grown quite a bit, at least a few inches, his hair was cut shorter and he had lost his glasses. I could've mistaken him for one of the wolves back in Forks if it wasn't for his pale skin, and bright blue eyes. "Hey Danny!" He saw me and smiled, I waved him over. "Hows it going?" I called. I got out of my car to meet him.

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