Not another love story boyxboy

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DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This story does containsexual romance intimacy between two consenting teenage boys if this offends you or there for illegal then please leave. Thus said, this story is copyrighted, ©2010 It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story on any other web site without my written permission. Thankyou to my two wonderful editors and proof readers and I'd love any comments from you, you can email me here at

I'm lucky no one has guessed my secret yet, at least not that I knew of. My name is Wade Dayton, and before November arrived I was just an ordinary sixteen year old, well mostly ordinary.

I was five when we moved from our hometown in Phoenix, Arizona, to the small town of West Port, Alabama. My brother Dane was ten and our sister Melinda was eight. We hadn't lived there our whole lives though. Our grandmother had gotten sick and was being a little hard headed. She refused to go into a nursing home; she had lived in her house from time she was a kid all the way up into her golden years. The house held a lot of memories for her; her and grandpas wedding in the back yard, and the birth of my mom and her siblings in the bedrooms. Though we moved to take care of grandma, our parents still had to work. Dad was a cop, one of the best on the force, and was quickly elected sheriff and mom was a doctor.

They decided that they made enough money to hire a nurse to take care of grandma. The nurse stayed with her till the day grandma died; a few days after I turned nine. Even with grandma being sick and dying, I was happy that we moved to West Port; if we hadn't I would have never met my best friend/blood brother Austin in kindergarten. I also got to meet Shelly, who was so beautiful, even back then, that she could have won Little Miss Sunshine.

Back to the present though. Dane has just left for college and Melinda has achieved her goal of becoming a cheerleader, and well I've been able to keep my secret well-hidden. I should let you in on it now, I guess, make the story a little easier. I'm a homo and deathly afraid that it will get out. Our family isn't super religious or anything like that, but I am worried about Austin finding out. Austin is always degrading gays; it's always 'fag this or fag that or look at this fag!' If I had a list of things to never tell Austin, being gay would be at the top of it, because that would be like becoming his enemy or something. I could see him pulling the 'you slept in my bed how many times?' and the 'we've been best friends for ten years and you pull this shit?' Let's get one thing clear here; Austin could kick my ass anytime he wanted to. He's on the football team as a linebacker, but that's not the whole reason. I'm a shrimp; a scrawny 115 pounds, if that.

Bringing up football actually leads me to the next part of my secret. Remember how I told you about Shelly as a Little Miss Sunshine? Well now she is practically Miss America. She wears like a size two in clothing, her hair is so blonde it's practically white, and her eyes are the most dazzling shade of blue in existence. Of course she's got two big C cups that most guys notice before anything else. That's why she started dating Rob when he asked her out 'He looked into my eyes' she said with a smile. I feel horrible because even though he 'looked into her eyes,' it didn't mean squat! Rob is big, muscled wrestler who also happens to be the assistant football coach. He had been a member of the football team, but after training in tae-kwon-do, he quit the team and joined the wrestling team.

I guess you want to know why he started learning tae-kwon-do in the first place, right? He let his dad in on some thoughts he was having, you know more thoughts about boys instead of girls. His dad wasn't upset about it; he just suggested that he get into some fighting or self-defense classes. Rob did just that, and ended up loving it even more than football.

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