"Hey baby girl! How was kindergarten?". I asked using my baby voice. Yes, I still use my baby voice around Felicity. I'll stop once she's in 2nd grade.

"Goooood!" she sang.

"Did you make any friends?"

"Yeah!" she squealed.

"Is that so? Whatare their names?"

"Cindyyy, Marrrryy, ummmmm Joeyyy, and uhhhhhh...mmmmm....Blade." she counted them off on her fingers. My happy face fell when she said Blade. I looked at Greg who had the same look as me.

"Sweetpea,who's Blade?" Greg asked, hoping it wasn't the Blade we were thinking of.

"He's,...he's a poweece man. He pwayed wit me at recess.". Felicity still can't speak fluently...but what five year old can? It's cute though.

"Greg" I said, terrified.

"Umm...I'll take over my class from here. Just sit with Felicity at my desk. You have a free period next, right?"


Greg gave me another look, meaning that we'd deal with this after his class was gone. I nodded and sat in Greg's twirly office chair at his desk. Felicity played in his computer the entire time. She was adorable. It's surprising how much she knows. Heck, I'm even surprised she knows how to work the computer...I'm even more amazed that she knows how to use my iPhone. Kids these days are so into technology. But anyways, I watched Felicity play a game on pbskids.org. She was playing the Berenstein Bears dress up game.

The bell rang soon after, and the students flooded out of the classroom. Greg dragged a chair over to me and Felicity and buried his head and his hands, looking stressed out.

"Greg, he's in her school."

"I know.". He clasped his hands together and stared blankly at the floor.

"how could they hire him? Don't they have background checks?"

"Yeah they do. Blade must've got around them somehow."

"I don't want him near my daughter"

"i know." he sighed. "I don't know what to do, Holly. We can't keep Felicity From going to school."

"We could homeschool her. After all, we're teachers." I suggested.

Greg nodded his head. "I'll have her put into the homeschooling program today. We'll have to take her to work with us, but I don't think she'll be a distraction. We can take turns with her. You get her every other day, and I take her every other day opposite of your days."

"Ok. Greg, don't ever leave me or Felicity. Not even for a minute." I warned.

Greg held my hand and squeezed it. "I won't. Nothing's gonna happen."

"I hope not.". I replied, looking at my baby girl. I love her so much. I can't and I won't let anything happen to her. "Oh an Greg?"


"I was gonna tell you this morning, but then you-know-who showed up,"

"Tell me what?"

I took a deep breath and looked lovingly into his eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"What does dat mean mommy?" Felicity asked curiously.

"You're gonna be a big sister."

Felicity threw her hands over her mouth and widened her eyes. Then she squealed and smiled.

Greg laughed at her reaction and took her from me and into his arms. "Are you excited?". He asked.

"Yeah!" she screamed happily.

He chuckled. "Good. Cuz I am too."

He leaned over and placed a hand on my stomach. "we're having a baby." he stated happily, in a daze.

"Baby baby baby baby baby baby!" Felicity chanted while bouncing up and down on Greg's knee.

"What should we name it?" I asked them.

"How about, Juliette if its a girl..Juliette Marie."

"I like it" I answered agreeingly. "And what about Jason Alexander if it's a boy?"

"I love it. What do you think about those names, Felicity?"

"I wuv dem!"

We both laughed. "Good. So we're either having a Juliette Marie or a Jason Alexander." I happily stated.

"Yay!!" Felcity exclaimed.

"Yay!" me and Greg mimicked her and clapped.

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