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I closed my eyes for a second as one of my hands ran along the soft fabric of the small couch, my phone resting on one knee and a red cup resting in the fingers of my other hand. My eyes snapped open as my phone vibrated and I checked it, replying to the message and holding the device in my hand tightly as my eyes flitted around the room. I took in the people before me, the girls dancing like no one was watching even though every pair of eyes around them were glued to their asses and the boys drinking like it was a sport. I then looked down at the beer in my hand, still the same one from hours ago. I finished the cup and looked down at my hands, one beer wasn't enough. 

I was still sober and bored.

Looking up, I noticed my boyfriend Damien dancing around with a bunch of girls and boys, apparently having the time of his life. In all fairness, it was his house party but I could leave and he wouldn't even notice. That wasn't even a bad idea. Wait, there was no way I could drive with alcohol in my system. Not happening.

So I got up and dusted off my pants, unsure about the possible contaminants on the couch. I walked through the dance floor, smiling as I brushed past Damien and he grabbed my ass before pulling me into a kiss. I kissed back for a moment before he got bored and went back to his friends. This was my moment to make a break for it and I snuck out of the room and up the hallway toward his room.

Don't get me wrong, Damien was a great guy. Well, a good guy. Okay, he wasn't a bad guy. He didn't take me out on dates or give me butterflies in the moments he stole sweet kisses but he didn't treat me badly either. And he wasn't too hard on the eyes. I tried to get thoughts of his grabby hands out of my mind as I walked to his bedroom before I noticed the light at the end of  the hallway was on. Wait, Scott was home? 

If Damien was easy on the eyes, Scott was what wet dreams were made of. His blue eyes and blond hair matched Damien's but after that, they were nothing alike. Scott had chiseled features and a broad chest as Damien had a narrow face and matching body. To put it simply, Damien was a boy and his brother was a man. Scott was in his final year of Julliard, but we were still in our first year at Stanford so it wasn't like Scott was often nearby. I wandered to the end of the hall and knocked on the door that was already open, peeking my head in the doorway.

"Sorry, this room is occupied. Find somewhere else to–" He sat up and turned to look at me as my mouth went completely dry. "Oh hey Mitch!" He was shirtless and if he was gorgeous before, WOW. The muscles on his chest were more defined than ever and he'd grown out his beard just enough to line his face and give him a rugged look that I was definitely into.

"H-Hey Scott! I was just going to relax in Damien's room and I realised you were in town, no one told me! How are you?" I leaned against the doorframe and he smiled, not so subtly running his eyes down my body. I pretended not to notice of course, but spread my legs a little further.

"He didn't tell you? Well I'm glad you came past then!" He smiled and shifted slightly on the bed. "I've been pretty good! Come sit down, let me know what's new in your life."

His grin melted my insides and it took me a second to find the words to reply as I moved to sit down on the bed beside him. His legs were still stretched out because they were too long to go anywhere else so I just sat down and rested mine on top of his. "Oh, um I've almost finished my first year and I've been working on some music stuff on the side. It's all very busy and exciting but you know the way it is."

"Oh yeah, busy doesn't even begin to explain how hectic things can get. Remember to enjoy the little things in life."

"Your brother is definitely one of those..." I said under my breath, but apparently not quietly enough as Scott burst into a fit of laughter, a gorgeous sound I didn't realise I was enjoying so much until it stopped.

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