24: promises

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Matt was released three days later but only under one condition: that he'd have to stay on bed rest for as long as the doctor seems fit.

That's precisely the reason why Emily hasn't left Matt's room for the last couple of days now. I'm just about to head over to his place when a knock sounded at my door. My body stiffens and fear overtakes me. I didn't act this way for a long time. Normally I only ever stiffened like that when Chris was coming over but he's in Chicago now, screwing my ex best friend probably. But what I feared the most right now is Nate's father. Ever since he implied he wanted me I was on edge.

And since my parents are on a business trip and left yesterday I am home alone. There is knock yet again and I hurry to open it.

Luckily it's only Nate. I sigh in relieve and open the door wider for him to step in. He of course notices my behavior and asks what's wrong.

"I just thought it was someone else," I say and motion him to follow me into the kitchen.

He sits down at the table while I pour him some coffee that I made shortly before he knocked and give him his cub while I sit down opposite him. He's frowning and unusual tense.

"What is it, Nate? You're worrying me," I ask him after several minutes of silence.

"I just came back from the police," he whispers, frowning even more. "I reported my father. For everything he did."

My brain stops working and my heart stumbles.

He did it. He finally was able to fght against his father.

"That's great. Seriously Nate," I tell him but he looks devestated. And not relieved like I thought he would be. There's something off about him. "There is more."

He merely nods and turns away not being able to look at me and crosses his arms in front of his chest. His coffee lay still untouched before him. Taking a deep breath I get over my fear and walk over to him. When I stand right in front of him he finally looks up to me, uncrossing his arms. I take another step towards him and stand in between his legs. I then proceed to crouch down so I'm kneeling in front of him and resting my hands on his thighs.

"This is an awfully intimate and suggesting position you're in, sweetheart," he breathes but his voice cracks and I know this position is the last thing he thinks about.

"I'm aware," I say, nodding and taking his hands in mine. "What happened after you reported him?"

His blue eyes turn glassy. "The police went to arrest him immediately but-"


"But he wasn't at our house. And nowhere else to find. The police found a note in the kitchen which said: If I were you, Nathaniel, I'd hurry or there won't be much left of your mother. He has her Keytlin."

He bites down on his lip to suppress the urge to sob but I can see it in his eyes. He's breaking inside one by one.

So I stand up and sit down on his lap, straddling him and I hug him tightly. He stiffens at first but soon wraps his arms around my waist and tightens his grip around me. I feel the first drops of his tears hit my shoulder and my heart breaks.

"I'm so afraid Keytlin. I'm so afraid he'll kill her."

"He won't," I say softly. "He won't have the chance to because the police will find him."

He pulls away and our eyes lock. He's desperate to say the least. "I can't lose her."

"And you won't," I whisper taking his face in between my hands, leaning towards him. "You won't lose her because she's a strong woman. She survived until now, what makes you think that she won't survive this?"

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