|Got Til It's Gone

Start from the beginning

G: Fuck is wrong with you.

Me: Nothing man.

G: Dee you my bestfriend/brother I know when something bothering yo ass wassup.

Me: I miss Janet

I mumbled. He paused the game and looked at me.

G: I know yo ass didn't just say you miss Janet.

Me: Yeah nigga I did.

G:  Nigga I knew you missed her. Around here mopping around and shit. I told you, you don't know what you got til its gon ma brother.

I sat and thought about what G was saying. He right you don't know what you got til its gone. I was to cocky and thought Janet would never leave me no matter what I did and when she did I started to realize what I had.

Me: I got to get her back.

G: ("laughing") Good luck with that.

I had to get my baby back even if its the last thing that I do.

I walked in Janet's dorm room and went into her bedroom. She looked up from her phone and flashed that million dollar smile. She wore these spandex shorts and a sports bra and couldn't help but to stare. She was so sex-

Janet: Hello Ciara!

Janet snapped her fingers at me and I snapped out of my gaze.

Me: Huh what you say?

Janet: I said how are you.

Me: I'm straight I'm just a little tired and my roommate has officially lost her mind.

I sat on her bed Indian style as she sat up and leaned her back against the headboard.

Janet: Why you say that?

Me: Because she slapped me on my ass hard as hell earlier. She been acting weird lately. Like after you told her I like girls she been acting crazy.

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