chapter 5

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3 weeks later on a tuesday.

emily was sleeping while her parents were downstairs talking about emily's future.

"i don't understand why you can't just give her a chance," her mother said putting her two fingers to her temples.

"you know why cora, this business i'm working on means a lot to me. i really wanted her to participate in helping me with the block i'm working on."

"listen hunny... these are people's lives you are messing with. i don't think it's right if you to take away a full block full of apartments, or restaurants. mind you, children are living on that block with their parents. where are they going to go?" cora tried negotiating with her husband, but he was stuck with his plan.

"it's not up for discussion cora, the deals done. i'll announce it next week to the family's on the block, give them a week tops to get packed up and situated in another living area," chad said standing up, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek, before walking upstairs.

cora sighed before she picked herself up and walked upstairs to join her husband.

once morning came around emily gathered herself up and headed out the door to her audition at win wood.

once she arrived a bunch of snotty nose girls gave her weird looks. she didn't let that ruin her audition though, so she shrugged it to the side.

while emily was doing her audition the the judges were looking at her with much of a disapproving look, but emily still continued. during her audition the judges turned the music off.

"next," the man said. emily was stressed out but while the judges were whispering to each other she walked up to their table. she grabbed her phone from the table and said "thank you," before walking away towards the crowd.

"okay thank you all for coming," the man said as he was writing on his clipboard. a woman walked up behind him with a bitchy face.

"i can only imagine how different this is to audition, let alone audition for me. i am not an easy one, i get it," she said and the crowd laughed but emily didn't. she was very nervous to see how she did.

"but remember, if everyone could do this we wouldn't be win wood."

"we are about to name the dancers who have been invited to a prentice of winwood. at the end of this summer each dancer will perform a version of their own selection, we will then select one male and one female to formally join our company," the male said looking at everyone.

"the new apprentices are..." while the man was calling out names, the woman next to him looked towards emily.

"vera williams."
"josh torres."
"melba watson."
"mobey shaker."
"and emily hart."

emily looked up out of her daze, she was shocked that she got picked and a smile creeped onto her face.

"congratulations," the man said before walking off. while emily made her way out of the building she took a bus home.

"i have some great news," cameron said through the phone.

"yeah what is it?" she asked as she turned her key through the hole walking inside.

"i wanna take you on a road trip with my family. you can meet them and everything, come on it will be fun," he tried to encourage her.

"i don't know, i have to ask my parents."

"already done, they said yes," cameron smiled through the phone and emily placed her bags on the floor as she sat on the counter.

"when?" she asked.

"friday, but you need to come over thursday and spend the night. in the guest room of course, if you want," he added that last part and she chuckled.

"okay cool, i'll start packing wednesday night. when will i see you until then?" emily asked nervous. she didn't want to seem like she was needy for his attention, but she really wanted to spend time with him.

"tomorrow okay? hey i have to go! my mom needs help with the laundry."

"okay bye."

"bye," he said before emily clicked the end button. she sighed as she decided to text her friend, who was back in town.

wassup? you're in town right?

ariel| yes im with my gmom watching some movie. she's sleeping rn.

want to hang out? i haven't seen you in 2 months. when did you get back from florida?

emily's old friend moved from cali over towards florida with her parents. she's visiting for a couple of weeks and just got back in town three days ago.

ariel| yeah of course. can i come over now?


emily decided to change out of her clothes that she did indeed sweat in. it wouldn't take ariel too long to get here, considering her grandparents lives ten minutes away.

there was a knock on the door probably 5 minutes later and emily quickly put her shirt on before running downstairs. once she opened the door she engulfed her old friend in a huge hug.

she looked different although she still held her witty charm. her hair was shoulder length now, and a dirty blonde color. she looked so beautiful.

"how have you been?" ariel asked as she made her way inside emily's house. she remembered all the memories emily and her had as little kids, when they were fifteen.

"stressed and good at the same time," emily chuckled as she went in the kitchen to grab a snack. ariel sat on a stool in front of the counter as she watched her friend.

"family wise?" she asked.

"my dads working my nerves about my future, and my moms having a baby."

"omg congrats!" ariel half yelled and smiled wide. she knew how much emily wanted a little sibling but the doctors said it was impossible for them. until now at least.

"you?" emily asked as she chewed on some oreos.

"my older brother is still a pain in my ass but other than that good. relationship?" ariel asked emily smirking.

"there's this boy..." emily started.


so the two of them talked about cameron for an hour and then changed the topic to a boy named shawn ariel had started dating. they talked for hours about the two boys until ariel had to check up on her grandparents.


2 votes and 2 comments for an update monday!

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