Chapter 7: The voice

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What happened to me? The first question to pop in my head when i woke up and found myself wearing a red dress. It was as dark as blood and it reached down to the floor. Wasn't I wearing my pyjamas just a while ago? My hair was properly fixed, and even my shoes were matching. Did my fairy Godmother do this?

Nah, fairies and magic are only found in Disney. They never happen in real life, in fact it was almost too perfect to be real. A dream, my mind finally settled. Just a dream, just one pinch and i'll wake up!

I wasnt even able to pinch myself when the doors to the gigantic room opened. A maid stood before me, she had dark long brown hair, her eyes were deep blue and her skin pale. "Good morning princess, the Prince is waiting for you in the ball"

"Who..?" I asked dumbly, did she just call me a princess?? Alright, this is official. This is a dream. However part of me didnt believe that.

"The Prince" she replied softly, "he's waiting, please follow me."

The maid turned her heels around and started walking in a slow pace, like the "prince" isnt impatient. But, that wasnt a bad thing, it gave me time to think before i reached the so-called prince.

What happened before this? I tried asking myself. But when i did, images flashed in my head. A park, blood, train, cemetery, children, paintings, a forest and finally a ring. It was fast and gave me a head ache. What connections do they have with each other? I tried connecting it in a scene, but it just didnt make sense. Where am I? The maid did say a ball, im wearing a gown, the hallways were made with marbles, and paintings of different kind hung on the walls. A palace, definetely a palace. If not, its probably a very huge house owned by a rich man.

"Prince, it's owned by Prince" someone said, i turned my head around but didnt see anyone. "I am here, dont worry" the same voice said.

"Hey, um... I mean excuse me" i called out to the maid. "What is it?" She asked without stopping. "Did you hear that?" I questioned. "Hear what princess?" She didnt hear it? Was i imagining things, like how i am dreaming right now? I thought.

"No, you're not imagining things. This is real, this is not a dream Nikki" the voice answered. Wait a minute, did she or he or whoever said that can read my thougts?! "Yes, but dont fear. Im not your enemy, and only you alone can hear me"

Right.... Talk about creepiness. "Nikki, relax" the voice said. Okay...! Stop it, i scolded my head. Stop imagining things! "How many times do i have to tell you, you're not dreaming."

"Ugh!!" I couldnt manage but say that out loud. "Is something wrong princess?" The maid asked, "What? Oh... Nothing, everything is perfectly fine!" If she find out, she'll probably think im bonkers.

"It's not a she" the voice said, what do you mean? I tried asking but the voice wont respond. Oh, so you're only going to talk when i least expect it and not answer my questions? I tried again, wanting the voice to talk. "You shall know when the time comes, be careful Nikki and dont screw this up"

What on earth are you talking about? Screw what up? Why should i be careful?? Ugh! Answer me!

However the voice didnt respond this time, as i kept on forcing the voice to talk i suddenly bumped on something or someone. It was as hard as cement and cold as ice, when i looked up, the Maid looked at me.

"I... Um.... I'm really sorry, i didnt know you stopped, this was all an accident. I couldnt believe i was such a klu-"

"We arrived" she cut me off. What? I asked myself. We stood on an arch that showed a ball room. Everyone was wearing gowns and they all looked perfect. The sounds of trumpets roared in my ears. When i looked behind me there were atleast a dozen people who blew their trumpets. God! Cant they let me put earplugs first?!

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