Chapter 2: Precious Gift

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Chapter 2

Somehow I managed to escape from the Yellow king. I entered the house through the basement window at the back. That way, no one will notice that I was just with somebody or even disturb my sleeping parents.

Slowly I crept upstairs, my brother was snoring like an elephant. It was easy to pass his room on the way to mine. I slowly opened my room and turned on the lights. I had to be careful since my dad has radar ears.

I changed in my pyjama's, grabbed m homework and began answering it. My alarm clock in front of me. I stayed awake until 12, my eyes were getting tired and heavy. I must've fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes, my alarm was ringing and my homework beneath my face. At least when I checked it, I answered everything. The light was still on. I dragged my feet inside the bathroom.


Books, pen, binder, coloured pencils, lunch, water. Check!

I was ready, or so I thought.

My bracelet was missing. I know, not the kind of thing to worry about. But it is for me, it was a precious gift from my late grandmother. Amethyst pearls with an aquamarine gem in the centre. It must've fell off when that drunk attacked me.

I quickly grabbed my breakfast, and headed where I was attacked. Nothing. I retraced my steps, but I found nothing. I even checked the window I came through, nothing. I lost it!

The bus pulled up in the counter, I settled in my usual spot. 6th row in the left side. Mary was absent, she was having family time with her mother. She was supposed to come back at lunch break.

The bus drop us off, and I hurried to my first class. Social class. We were talking about the population in Japan and China. In my second class, ELA we were taught of making poems. For my last class before lunch break is science, we were dissecting a frog.

My group had some accidents, like accidentally stabbing it's belly spraying blood all over our clothes. Good thing we were wearing lab gowns and goggles. Our group burst with laughter at what happened, nobody actually listened on how to properly dissect it. Well maybe some, but forgot. Like me.

"Group 2! Clean up, because you were slacking off and randomly stabbing parts. You will be held for 5 minutes in here." Ms. Henry said, "the rest dismissed."

I was stuck with my group, but we didn't do any real cleaning. Just wipe of the tables, sweep the floor and clear off the white board. "You know, if Kent haven't slack off we would be able to enjoy lunch."

"Shut up! As if you could've done any better" Kent said annoyingly, slamming the rag on the sink. "Oh yeah, Nikki could've done something better, if you just listened to her when she said to start from the throat. But no! You started in the middle."

"Hey, hey! Let's just clean, get over it and eat lunch!" Our group leader scolded. Everyone fell silent, until someone banged the door open.

"Mary! Could you at least knock?!" Leila shouted.

"Sorry, but can I talk to Nikki for a while?"

"No!" Everyone growled at the same time.

"Ugh!" She complained stomping her feet like a little girl.

"Mary Poppins, why won't you just magically clean the whole room by snapping your fingers?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes and leaned against the door. Her finger tapping against the door completely losing patience. "Time's up!" Kent yelled who was watching the clock the whole time.

We proceeded in the cafeteria, just ordering some taco and strawberry shake. "So. What did you want to talk about?" I asked when we sat down near the stairs.

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