Chapter 3: Accident

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*Yellow King's P.O.V.*

He returned back to the base, who was that girl? Why was she in the road to hell at night? What business did she take care of? The questions just kept popping one after another. The way she walked, the way she was concerned, the way she talked and looked. The memory of the mysterious girl was filled in his head.

He recalled how beautiful she looked under the moonlight, her almost golden hair shining under the stars. The way she looked annoyed intrigued him. How she reacted to him made him interested in her. She never met a woman who wouldn't fall for him, much less talk to him the way the mysterious girl did.

Most of them would apologize for walking as the same earth as him and tell him that he was the perfect man they ever met. "Boss, the transaction was complete." One of his underlings reported.

"About time. So what did they say?" He asked, his thoughts still filled about the girl.

"They said it might be possible. The woman they were after could be her."

Silently he cursed. Chaos would appear if they would succeed in getting her. The very doors of hell might open, and being destruction to the whole world. He thought, he should find her before they do.

"Get me the identification of this lady by the end of the night."

The underling exited in the dark doors. He slump back at his leather chair while drinking wine, the colour was as red as blood. "Oh? Getting drunk now aren't we?" A sweet voice said in the corridor.

He didn't pay any attention to the voice, or even the figure of a girl wearing nothing but a bra and underwear, a thin, see-through white shirt and a piece of cloth tied around her waist. Her maroon hair placed on one side, as she slowly walked towards him.

He ignored her complete and chugged in his drink. He exhaled and stood up just when the woman placed her hands on his shoulder. "Margaret, how many times did I tell you to dress properly? Woman aren't supposed to wear those things at night. Especially inside a boys' room."

"Oh? You're worried about me? Well that's new, does in concern you that I would dress this way in front of other boys?"

"No, I'm teaching you manners. That's all." He replied sharply and continued on his soundless steps.

"Whatever, I can wear whatever I like King. Though I'm interested in that girl. She looks normal but something tells me she's different."

The pissed off boy chose to ignore her and carried on walking into the balcony. Watching as the sun go down once more and another day has passed without seeing her. I will find you, the words echoed in the king's mind as it drift off to night time.


A shiver went down to my spine. It felt as if someone was thinking about me. I've been getting this weird feeling lately since I met both Kings. Mary told me some advice but they didn't help either, I mean go bungee jumping and zip lining? I'm not an idiot to do those things.

"One dinner." Pleaded Mary. She wanted me to be with her during her family night, which consist of her varsity brother, MultiLingual mother, yapping sister and bookworm twins. "Please, please, please! Just one dinner and I promise I won't do something stupid ever in my life."

"No is no. I still have another part time in Tim Hortons, an extra project to work on and, well I have a duel with my brother. I'm really sorry, I'm busy and I don't like your brothers soup. They're really." I stopped mid-sentence, thinking of a better word to say, "icky"

She rolled her eyes as if saying, what's the point? "A lot" i answered her un asked question

"Come on pleeeeassseee...." She begged. I have a question, have you ever felt like just placing a duct tape on your best friend's mouth? That was how i feel.

" Sorry my plans are full, try another time" i excused. " ugh! You are horrible! Fine tomorrow, arrive at school sharply at 7. Understood madame?" She scolded, placing hoth of her hands on her hip.

"Yes mother." I answered sarcastically and left the school grounds. I sprinted going to the nearest doughtnut shop. I wasnt even holding the handle to open the doors when someone called.

" Hey you!" Automatically i turned my head. A boy probably 10 ran to me out of breath. "I've been trying to call you!" He exclaimed. I looked around hoping to find someone. A proof or excuse that he isn't talking to me. " are you talking to me?" I asked, my stomach growling for doughnuts.

"Duh! Who else is here?" He asked. I shrugged as an answer. "Are you an idiot?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" I said, did i heard wrong or did he really just say im an idiot. "I said your an idiot" the boy replied. Ok, so i did hear right. "Are you mistaking me for someone else?" I questioned.

"Are you really an idiot Nikki? Dont you know why you're here? Why im here?" He asked, for some reason, his voice grew deep. "Oh sure, i know why im here. Obviously people come to a doughnut shop to eat, which means they are hungry. Get the point?" I asked, dying to get the taste of the sweet vanilla shake and the soft bun of doughnuts. Chocolate cream spread around. Just thinking about it made me hungry.

"Nik, Nik, Nik. Silly little girl that thinks she needs to eat. Her friend was left behind, doesnt know that she felt stuck in a bee hive. What will you do? Just continue and go or turn back and row?"

Wow, this boy was good in English. I couldnt even think of something like that in a nick of time. "What is it you want exactly?" I asked getting curious, how did he know my name? How would he know how Mary felt?

"An answer for each question, understand in a small riddle. Things you need to get to the throne of darkness." The boy replied. To be honest, it was creeping me out, and my stomach greatly refused to stay any longer. I grabbed the handle, to find it missing. I looked around and i was swarmed with nothingness.

"What did you do?" I whispered turning to the fragile boy. "What will you do if you lost something?" He asked.

"Obviously i would look for it." I answered, eager to get out of this craziness. "Will you save it?" He asked.

"Save it? Why would i save it?" I questioned. The boy just stared blankly at me and said, "you will save it, just watch and see." And the craziest thing that happened is that he disappeared. Gone, missing, not in sight, um... What else are the synonyms for disappeared? Anyways the point is he's not there. Vanished out of thin air.

Talk about creepiness!! I rushed inside the shop, it was there. As if everything that happened to me was an illusion. I chug down my drink, swallowed my dougnut and hurried to Tims.

I was spacing out the whole, making the blender explode, the latte overflow. Giving the customer wrong order, returning the wrong change. To make things shorter i was sent home.

Winter is around the corner, the sun set more earlier than usual. The air is chilly, the streets are dark. I walked my usual path going home, but what await me in my home are scratch walls. Destroyed painting. Burned furnitures. All the plates were crashed in the floor.

"Mama?" I called, but nobody answered, "Papa? Are you home?"

"Help....." I heard someone groan. A helpess body laid on the floor, my brothers. He had wounds around his back, "help..." He said again.

"Michael!" I yelled and kneeled down in front of him. "I'll call the ambulance, just wait"

I got the phone and dialled 911. My hand was unsteady making it fall for the second time.

"Hello 911 what's the emergency please?"

"Hello, my house was attacked, my brother is greatly wounded. Please hurry." I said urgently on the phone.

"Your address please."

"3098 37 ave 15 street" i replied quickly.

"Thank you."

And the phone went dead.


N/A: I'm sorry it took me so long to update it, please vote and comment your ideas about the story. I would love to hear about what you thought of the story so far ^_^

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