Tagged a While ago

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Tagged a day ago or something by Lilyfrost_Weirdo

1. What time did you wake up this morning?

2. Books you have read recently/are reading?
Still reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

3. If you could change your name into whatever you wanted what would you choose?
Makayla XD

4. Best way to murder?
Quick and easy would be knife to the throat
I think

5. Make up a random word.

6. What does it mean?
It's a rare bird that looks like this

 What does it mean? It's a rare bird that looks like this

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OH gosh what did I do XD

7. Use it in a sentence.
The Skleesh looked lazily at me and didn't move.

8. What's a shortened online word you'd want to invent?
Me and my friend actually invented one
Laughing So Hard Right Now

9. Closest living thing next to you.
My brother and sister

10. What are you doing besides this tag?
Listening to music

11. How much do you procrastinate on a scale of I will do this right now to neglect 100% of my responsibilities?
Forget till the last second then struggle to finish it in time

12. Most recent game you've played?
PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator

Actually that's not what it looks like I've changed it a bit since I took that picture

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Actually that's not what it looks like I've changed it a bit since I took that picture

13. Most recent thing you've said?


Not even kidding

I'm having my sister do the tag too

1. What time did you wake up this morning?
Sis: 7 or 7:10

2. Books you have read recently/are reading?
Sis: Dear Dumb Diaries

3. If you could change your name into whatever you wanted what would you choose?
Sis: Taylor
Me: Really?
Sis: Yeah really!

4. Best way to murder?
Sis: That's a weird question...
Me: Just answer it!
Sis: I don't know a lot of ways...
Sis: Um by gun

5. Make up a random word.
Sis: Jabob
Me: Jabob? *laughs*
Sis: Yeah me and a friend made it up

6. What does it mean?
Sis: Crazy in Latin *laughs* I just made this up 

7. Use it in a sentence.
Sis: My mom said that I was Jabob *laughs harder*

8. What's a shortened online word you'd want to invent?
Sis: LG (Lets go)

9. Closest living thing next to you.
Sis: Kayla. Your the closest living thing next to me. *looks on floor* Yeah your the closest thing.

10. What are you doing besides this tag?
Sis: Sitting in on a chair in the car
(We were in the car when I had her do this)

11. How much do you procrastinate on a scale of I will do this right now to neglect 100% of my responsibilities?
Sis: 40%
Me: No not percentage like name something
Sis: What I don't understand?
Sis: Repeat the question
Me: *Repeats*
Sis: Wait what's procrastination?
Me: Laziness when you slack off and ignore what you need to do
Sis: Ohhhhhh :O
Sis: About Take a nap
Me: *facepalms* Whatever next question

12. Most recent game you've played?
Sis: Bean Boozled Challenge
Me: That Toothpaste one was good though
Sis: Yeah Toothpaste and Berry Blue were good

13. Most recent thing you've said?
Sis: *laughs* My favorite part was when Logan tried Spoiled Milk and almost barfed
Me: *laughs*
Sis: That's the last thing I said

Well there my sister did the tag
Here she is

Well there my sister did the tagHere she is

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My questions

1. Have you ever kayaked?
2. Do you like being outside?
3. Name 3 YouTubers you watch if you even watch any
4. Favorite Onomatopoeia?
5. Ducks or Geese?
6. British or Australian?
7. Whats one place you want to visit?
8. Do you have more internet friends or real life friends?
9. Excited for Christmas or do you think everyone should calm down and celebrate Halloween first?
10. Tic Tacs or gum?
11. Ever had Red Velvet Oreo's? If so did you like them?
12. What time is it?
13. Do you own glasses or do you need them?

I'm tagging
SourSkittlesWrites QueenSpoopyPony hayleybee32325 SheilaSheWolf sprinkle47 lil_vixen lil_vixen_is_spooky (I don't know which one it is)
And yeahhhhh

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