getting to know you

18 3 1

I was sat in the dinner hall, picking at the inedible lump on my plate, it was supposed to be mash potatoes, but it looked more like concrete.

"Don't play with your food." Hannah shoveled the slab of potatoes straight in to her gob and swallowed without even chewing.

We call her the owl.

Big eyed as she was always paranoid about something.

Would eat anything!

And sleeps during the day.

To the other side of me was Caitlin, she was rocking back and forth with her hands over her face.

She had a bad experience in one of her jobs as a cookie taster. She went a little crazy and stole a van full of cookies.

She lost control and ended up in a ditch , but she still protected the cookies.

When the police came she squatted over them and hissed like a snake, warning them to back off.

BANG!!!!! (so dramatic 😮)

The whole room shook.

I covered my face from the flying bits of wall everywhere and then squinted in to the sunlight as it came pouring in from the new lay out.

Stood in the mess of it all was Ella!

She had her badass clothes on, literally clothes that just had badass written all over them.

She was holding a Starbucks cup in her hand. Like the scene out of lion king during the circle of life song.

My eyes went wide and teary.

Ella had brought me Starbucks!



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