The woman's cheery mood has dampened, and she is visibly concerned. She has chosen her profession well with her dedicated empathy.

"I'll...send it through the lab today. I can't promise anything, but..." She smiles reassuringly, and vaguely you are reminded of your mother. You miss her terribly. "I'll call you as soon as I know."

With a tired a sigh you raked a hand through your [H/C] hair. Your head was pounding madly, as it had been every morning, only now coupled with the stress of a different pressure. As expected, Celty's advice did not come without its difficulties. Your stalker had yet to deliver a punishment. One would be elated, but your paranoia enhanced. The fear was slowly driving you insane and maybe that was his intention. It was just a matter of time before he made his move, and he would strike when you were most helpless. Nonetheless, it did not deter you from returning to school. The decision had been your first attempt back into a normal routine, a determined step towards hopeful optimism. And with the useful information Izaya divulged, you would be able to keep a closer eye on the suspects in question.

Regrettably, yesterday's morning exchange with President Nakajima was a major deflation.


The old man; Arata Nakajima, the University's president cleared his throat.

"Please understand, [Last]-san. The school board has been highly sympathetic in regards to your absence these last few weeks. What happened to Hikaru Kurokawa-" A sharp pang penetrates through your heart at the mention of your friend. "Was a tragedy, and the university still mourns his loss. However, your grades had been consistently low prior to Kurokawa-san's...passing. In order to continue your education the requirements of your scholarship must be met. I assure you your probation will be lifted once you have made progress."

Now the very thing you had worked so hard for was going to be taken from you. What would be left?

"When this is all over, I get you."

The thought of the informant made you blush. Izaya's lips and touch had set fire to your skin, igniting zealous emotions. His kiss had been just as unpredictable as his proposal.

"Forgive me [Name]-chan~ I know that isn't the traditional way to ask someone out, but I'd really like to make you my girlfriend~."

To think you were initially trying to establish a friendship. You never would have imagined that the info broker was romantically interested in you. His forward personality and inscrutable nature made him nearly impossible to read. Yet from the second you met him you were drawn to him. The splendor of his face enticed others. He was a beguiling force jam-packed with intelligence and charisma. It was remarkably addicting to simply be in his presence. His kiss wiped your mind clean of worries and tensions. In that moment when your lips locked, it was just you and Izaya, the world outside hadn't existed. Safety, harmony, normalcy- all words that were previously far from your grasp had been at your fingertips. You had felt magnificently rapturous, and Izaya was able to disburse this tranquility with a single act. Entrancing you with the illusion of what life could be. What girl wouldn't want to be kissed by someone like him?

Granted all this, he was only an exquisite mirage in the desert. You were still overwrought with uncertainty. After the "date" you sat in your room, mulling over the events that took place between you and the informant. Realization hit; you were undeniably attracted to him, attached to him even, but you lacked amorous feelings for him. In the past he made you nervous, and you often stammered like a fool when around the info broker. Although the pretext behind that was attributed to his good looks and brazen persona. These indefinite feelings may have been because the type of person he was, and the type of business he gratified in. His answer to your query about his occupation left you uneasy. Prominently, he was highly unsafe to be associated with. Naive as you were, to get ardently involved with a venturous individual such as Izaya would be irresponsible. The kiss should have never happened. You should have stopped him. You shouldn't have allowed him to think the two of you could have a relationship together, other than a friendship. After he helped you- perchance, he could find a more equitable agreement.

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