"Ah, here they are, simply stunning aren't they." Julius deep voice greeted us as we drew near to his semi private seating area.

I heard the murmurs of approval from the other Dominants seated around the L shaped sofa. Kyle and I promptly sank to our knees on the cushions placed at Julius feet. Sammy made a beeline to Master Sloan and all but purred when his Master lovingly caressed a hand over his dark curls. With a gentle prompt from Julius, Kyle and I greeted the men seated above us.

My stomach twisted when I noticed that the one person I was looking for wasn't in attendance amongst the other Dominants. Of course, Julius was seated in between Kyle and I. His brother, Master Auriel sat next to him, but his focus was on the entrance where his boy, Gabriel was greeting the patrons coming into the establishment for the evening.

Sammy was all but wrapped around Master Sloan's legs, and to my surprise. Master Sloan's brother, Patrick was reclining on the other side of his sibling casually sipping on the drink in his beefy hand. Master Michael as nowhere in sight and I had to fight the urge to slump my shoulders in disappointment. What if he's changed his mind and he decided he did want a newbie like me? What then? Omg, my stomach fluttered and I had to truly focus and swallow a few times to keep myself from puking up what little dinner I had remaining in my stomach.

Seconds away from a mini meltdown, I felt rather than heard when Master Michael when he stepped onto the dias and my heart rate spiked into the stratosphere.

"Good evening gentlemen." He politely greeted everyone both seated and kneeling. I watched his thick, leather covered legs as he came into my line of vision and stopped directly in front of me. I had to refrain from leaning forward and rubbing my face against the rippling muscles of his well toned thighs. I am sure my eyes went as round as dinner plates when he promtply squatted down in front of me. "May I?" He simply inquired of Julius who must have nodded his head in consent because I didn't hear any words exchanged between the two.

"Look at me, pet" That voice was all kinds of stern. It was gentle, yet powerful with the steel bite behind his words that left no room for argument. I dutifully lifted my head and I slowly savored the sight of his mouth watering physique as my eyes traveled from the tips of his black boots, up and over his thick, well defined legs. I bit my lip in order to stifle the little whimper of desire as my gaze I roamed over his rippling abdominal muscles, up his wide chest, and across those broad shoulders. God, this man was built to perfection. I felt like my mouth was literally watering by the time my eyes locked onto his.

The heat simmering in his gaze was enough to have me squeezing my thighs together in hopes of trying to prevent my cock from swelling in these itty bitty shorts. I had to lock my muscles in place before I embarrassed myself and made a mockery of all of Master Julius' training by launching myself at the man.

"How are you tonight, little one?" Master Michael asked me, his deep voice was whisper soft meant for my ears only. It shivered down the length of my spine and only added fuel to the already building haze of lust taking over my body.

It took me a few seconds to unscramble my brain enough to politely answer. "I am doing well Master Michael. How are you?"

"I am more than fine now gorgeous because I'm here with you. Are you ready for me?" He held out his hand to me with the palm side facing up, a clear invitation to join him, to chose him. He patiently waited for me to reach out and accept his first act of claiming me for the evening.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, my heart fluttered and my hand trembled as I reached forward and placed my hand in his. He closed his fingers and engulfed my much smaller hand in the heat and warmth of his own, and it was like a switch was flipped on in my head. I immediately felt the currents of our connection sizzle along the surface of my skin. A sensation of warmth blossomed in my core and instead of feeling anxious, I was eager for our night to progress onto the next level.

"I'm ready Sir." I replied while looking him dead in the eye so that he could see I was taking this very seriously. This man was meant for me, I felt it down the marrow of my bones and before this night is over, he is going to be so pleased with me that he'll never want to let me go. He was going to be mine as much as I was already his.

Master Michael gracefully rose to his feet drawing me up with him. He towered over me as briefly spoke to the men seated around us. Kyle caught my eye from where he was sitting at his Master's feet and gave me an encouraging smile and a saucy little wink before I caught Master Michael's words excusing us from present company and wishing the men a good evening. He placed my arm in the crook of his elbow and proceeded to lead me from Master Julius' seating area towards the back of the club where the private rooms were located. I looked neither left or right as we made our way across the main area. My sole focus was on centering myself and trying my best to remember my training.

We came to a stop in front of door at the end of the hall, this one wasn't like all the other doors to the other private rooms. This door was painted white with a black trim instead of red, and it had letters on it instead of a peep through safety window where the Dungeon Master's can check on the occupants to make sure everyone was safe. I turned to look around at the other rooms and there were four doors painted and labeled as such at the end of the hallway. The door we were standing in front of was labeled room number three.

Michael must have seen the confusion on my face as he pushed a keycard into the slot on the door, he explained. "These rooms are the private suites, Julius' is obviously room one over there, the others belong to members who pay for the privilege to have these rooms permanently reserved to them for totally private sessions. The rooms are still have the amenities of the other playrooms such as the panic buttons and the safety phones lines, but outside intrusions like video and sound monitoring, and of course the safety window are not permitted in these rooms."

He ushered me inside and I before I could grasp a hold of how I felt about being totally closed off in a playroom after Master Julius had drilled the safety issues into me over and over again, my jaw dropped as the door clicked closed behind me sealing me into an decadent and luxuriously decorated room. The room looked nothing like the other playrooms, the entire décor screamed promises of sinfully erotic pleasures.

The walls were painted white, it was almost startling against the dark wood and black leather furniture. The focal point of the room was a huge mahogany four poster bed covered with plush silk multicolored pillows and black silk sheets. There were two huge mahogany chests, one on each side of the entrance door. I could only imagine what they contained. This was a playroom after all, and the leather sex swing dangling discreetly in the far corner room attested to that.

Sir ushered me further into the room and I caught sight of the mirror in the ceiling over the bed and my mind immediately filled with hot as hell images of what I'll hopefully witness later on those silken sheets.

"Are you alright with being completely alone with me in my private room? You can go ahead and test out the safety phones and you can see the red panic buttons throughout the room." He assured me and I gave him a shy smile before I walked over and picked up one of the phones. Someone from security answered and acknowledged the room was now occupied. I hung up the phone and turned back to my Master only to see him leaning casually against one of bed's thick columns looking so mind numbing sexy.

"What are your safe words?" He quietly demanded and I almost swooned right where I was standing. I'm about to begin my very first scene.

Submissive Part 3 & 4 (manxman)Where stories live. Discover now