MacGil slowly rose, to his full height, which was still considerable, and turned and walked across the room, until he reached the window. He looked out, surveying his court below, empty in the early morning, and pondered. He knew, all along, that one day a day like this would come. He just had not expected it to come so soon.

"That was quick," he said. "It's been but days since I married off my daughter to their prince. And now you think they already conspire to overthrow us?"

"I do, my liege," Brom responded sincerely. "I see no other reason. All indications are it is a peaceful meeting. Not a military one."

MacGil slowly shook his head.

"But it does not make sense. They could not let the Empire in. Why would they? Even if for some reason they managed to help lower the Shield on our side and open a breach, then what would happen? The Empire would overwhelm them as well. They would not be safe, either. Surely, they know this."

"Maybe they are going to strike a deal," Brom retorted. "Maybe they will let the Empire in, in return for their attacking us only, so that the McClouds can control the Ring."

MacGil shook his head.

"The McClouds are too smart for that. They are crafty. They know that the Empire cannot be trusted."

His general shrugged.

"Maybe they want control of the Ring so badly, they are willing to take that chance. Especially now that they have your daughter as their queen."

MacGil thought about this. His head was pounding. He did not want to deal with this now. Not so early in the morning.

"So then what do you propose?" he asked, short with him, tired of all the speculation.

"We could preempt this, sire, and attack the McClouds. The time is now."

MacGil could hardly believe it.

"Right after I gave my daughter to them in a wedding? I don't think so."

"If we don't," Brom countered, "we allow them to dig our grave. Surely they will attack us. If not now, then later. And if they join with the empire, we would be finished."

"They cannot cross the Highlands so easily. We control all the choke points. It would be a slaughter. Even with the empire in tow."

"The empire have millions of men to spare," Kolk responded. "They can afford to be slaughtered."

"Even with the shield down," MacGil said, "it would not be so easy to just march millions of soldiers across the Canyon—or across the Highlands, or to approach by ship. We would spot such mobilization far in advance. We would have warning."

MacGil thought.

"No, we will not attack. But for now, we can take a prudent step: double our patrols at the Highlands. Strengthen our fortifications. And double our spies. That will be all."

"Yes, my liege," Brom said, turning, with his lieutenants and hurrying from the room.

MacGil turned back to the window, his head pounding. He sensed war on the horizon, coming at him with the inevitability of a winter storm. He sensed, further, that there was nothing he could do about it. He looked all around him, at his castle, at the stone, at the pristine royal court spread out beneath him, and could not help but wonder how long all this would last.

What he would give for another drink.

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